SPEC Benchmark Workshop 2009
January 25, 2009
Austin, Texas
The SPEC Benchmark Workshop 2009 will be held on January 25, 2009, in
conjunction with the Annual Meeting of the Standard Performance Evaluation
Corporation (SPEC). Those attending the free workshop are also invited
to participate in selected sessions during SPEC's Annual Meeting that
follows, January 26 to January 29, 2009.
The Workshop will take place at the Wyndham
Garden Hotel in Austin, Texas. It will bring together benchmark
developers and users in industry and academia, with presentations
on benchmark suites, CPU benchmarking, power and thermal benchmarking,
and modeling and sampling techniques. The workshop will conclude
with a panel discussion, "Benchmarking in the Multi-Core Era".
Traditionally, the workshop is held in an informal environment that encourages
free information exchange. There is no registration fee,
however, advance reservation is
Student grants may be awarded, based on a combination of need and merit, to cover
travel expenses and allow students to attend the workshop. The application
deadline is December 29, and notification of awards will be sent by January 9, 2009.
Hotel Information
Wyndham Garden Hotel
3401 South IH 35
Austin, TX 78741
Phone: 1-800-996-3426 or 1-512-448-2444
Deadline for making reservations is January 3, 2009.
Rate: $119 (plus applicable taxes). Reference "SPEC" when
making your reservation.
Note: There are a limited number of hotel rooms reserved for workshop
participants until January 3, 2009. Thereafter, a hotel reservation may
be possible, but cannot be guaranteed.
Organization |
General Chair
Rudi Eigenmann - Purdue University
Program Chair
David Kaeli - Northeastern University
Publication Chair
Kai Sachs - TU Darmstadt
Steering Committee
Alan Adamson - IBM Canada
Jose Nelson Amaral - University of Alberta
David Bader - Georgia Tech
Rudi Eigenmann - Purdue University
Rema Hariharan - AMD
John Henning - Sun Microsystems
Lizy John - University of Texas at Austin
Sam Kounev - Universität Karlsruhe (TH)
David Kaeli - Northeastern University
David Morse - Dell
Kai Sachs - TU Darmstadt
Program Committee
Jose Nelson Amaral - University of Alberta
Umesh Bellur - Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Anton Chernoff - AMD
Lieven Eeckhout - University of Ghent
Rudi Eigenmann - Purdue University
Jose Gonzalez - Intel Barcelona
John Henning - Sun Microsystems
Lizy John - University of Texas at Austin
David Kaeli - Northeastern University
Helen Karatza - Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Samuel Kounev - Universität Karlsruhe (TH)
Tao Li - University of Florida
David Lilja - University of Minnesota
Christoph Lindemann - University of Leipzig
John Mashey - Consultant
Jeffrey Reilly - Intel Corporation
Kai Sachs - TU Darmstadt
Resit Sendag - University of Rhode Island
Erich Strohmaier - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Bronis Supinski - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Petr Tuma - Charles University in Prague
Reinhold Weicker - formerly Fujitsu Siemens |
In Cooperation with:
IEEE Technical Committee on
Computer Architecture (TCCA) |