Last updated: $Date: 2011-09-07 11:08:21 -0400 (Wed, 07 Sep 2011) $ by $Author: CloyceS $
(To check for possible updates to this document, please see )
This document describes the SPEC CPU2006 flags description file format.
Element order, from below: ![]() |
New: for SPEC CPU2006 V1.2, the structure of flags files has changed:
Selecting one of the following will take you to the detailed table of contents for that section:
1. File Types, Usage, and Reporting
3. Flag Description Elements and Attributes
5. Precedence
7. Updating SPEC CPU2006 V1.1 flags files to V1.2
1 File Types, Usage, and Reporting
1.1 Flag File Types
1.1.1 Suite-wide flags file
1.1.2 Per-benchmark flags files
1.1.3 User flags files Compiler flags file Platform flags file
1.2 Flag file usage
1.2.1 Required and optional user flags files
1.2.2 Including a file
1.2.3 Re-use is encouraged
1.2.4 Saving, extracting, removing, and updating flags files
1.2.5 Which options belong in which user flags file? <-- Table: Guidelines for placement (New for SPEC CPU2006 V1.2)
1.3 Reporting
1.3.1 Flags dump
1.3.2 Per-result flags report
1.3.3 Effect on other outputs
1.4 Example flags files
2 Flags file structure
2.1 Syntax basics
2.1.1 Tags, elements, and attributes
2.1.2 Enclosing tags and DTD
2.1.3 HTML comments are supported
2.1.4 Regarding embedded HTML
2.1.5 Element order <-- Diagram: elements by file type (New for SPEC CPU2006 V1.2)
2.2 Common elements
2.2.1 Suggested filename (mandatory)
2.2.2 Title (mandatory)
2.2.3 Style sheet
2.2.4 Submit command
2.2.5 Software environment
2.3 Compiler flags file elements
2.3.1 FDO settings
2.3.2 Header (top level)
2.3.3 Headers for each class
2.3.4 Named Flags
2.4 Platform flags file elements
2.4.1 OS tuning
2.4.2 Virtual machine settings
2.4.3 Firmware settings
2.4.4 Parts and options
3 Flag Description Elements and Attributes
3.1 Flag name (mandatory)
3.2 Flag class (mandatory)
3.2.1 "mandatory" class
3.2.2 "forbidden" class
3.2.3 "portability" class
3.2.4 "optimization" class
3.2.5 "compiler" class
3.2.6 "other" class
3.2.7 "unknown" class
3.3 Regular expression (mandatory, but defaulted)
3.3.1 Default regular expression (the common case)
3.3.2 Full Perl regular expressions may be used
3.3.3 Substituting captured text
3.3.4 When \b won't work
3.3.5 Regular expression references
3.4 Descriptive text (mandatory)
3.4.1 Example: update descriptive text with rawformat
3.5 Including other flags
3.5.1 Include by "flag" attribute Adding the "flagtext" attribute
3.5.2 Include by "text" attribute
3.6 List of compilers
3.7 Example flag text
3.8 Example replacements
3.9 Controlling flag display
3.10 Indication of automatic parallelism
3.11 Other attributes
4 Other elements
5 Precedence
6 Best Practices
6.1 Validate .xml
6.2 Validate .html
6.3 Combine files wisely
6.4 Separate unique content
6.5 Choose filenames wisely
7 Updating SPEC CPU2006 V1.1 flags files to V1.2
7.1 Symptoms of old flags files
7.2 Example: Updating a SPEC CPU2006 V1.1 flags files for V1.2
SPEC CPU2006 provides benchmarks in source code form, which are compiled under control of SPEC's toolset. Compiler flags (such as -O5 or -unroll) are detected and reported by the tools, with the help of flag description files. A flag description file provides information such as:
Flags description files are not limited to compiler flags. Tuning descriptions have historically been called "flags files", but flag description files are also used to describe other performance-relevant options.
Flag description files are XML-based. This document covers the format of a flags description file and the valid values for the various attributes.
This document assumes that you have at least some familiarity with creating HTML documents (via writing HTML, that is, not by having something else generate HTML on your behalf). Familiarity with XML is not essential, but may be helpful.
New: for SPEC CPU2006 V1.2, the structure of flags files has changed. A brief summary is at the very top of this document (above the table of contents).
Flag descriptions come from three sources: the benchmark tools (Suite-wide flags file), the benchmarks (Per-benchmark flags files), and the tester (User flags files). All three conform to the same format (the flag description DTD, as described in section 2.1). They differ primarily in what may appear in each.
The suite-wide flags file contains flags that are applied to all compiles and are in general not switchable (the "mandatory" class; flag classes will be explained more fully later). Flags listed in this file are not typically reported. It is supplied by SPEC as $SPEC/benchspec/flags_mandatory.xml.
If SPEC should need to update the suite-wide flags file, it will be posted at the SPEC web site. You can update your local copy using runspec --update_flags.
The per-benchmark flags files describe optional portability flags and flags that are applied by default (such as those in $SPEC/benchspec/CPU2006/nnn.benchmark/Spec/ $bench_flags). Per-benchmark flags files are supplied by SPEC as $SPEC/benchspec/CPU2006/nnn.benchmark/Spec/flags.xml.
If SPEC should need to update the per-benchmark flags files, they will be posted at the SPEC web site. You can update your local copies using runspec --update_flags.
The user provides one or more flags files to describe either compiler flags or platform-related settings.
New with SPEC CPU2006 v1.2:
A compiler flag description file is a user flags file that describes build-time options used to create benchmark binaries. It is also used to describe features and settings related to the compilation environment. For more information about which items to put into which flags file type, please see section 1.2.5.
A platform flag description file is a user flags file that describes characteristics of the system being tested. For more information about which items to put into which flags file type, please see section 1.2.5.
You must provide a compiler flags file. If you do not, your result will be marked "invalid", because the run rules require that all tuning must be described. For example, you would use a compiler flags file to describe the meaning of:
If needed, you may provide a platform flags file. For example, if you use a firmware setting such as the following, you would explain it in a platform flags file:
Power Management: Server Throughput
Optionally, you may provide more than one of either type. For example, you might add another platform flags file to describe use of virtual machines.
User flag description files may be included via the config file (by the flagsurl variable) or via the runspec command line --flagsurl switch. Each file's location may be specified as either a path on the local file system or as a file://, ftp://, or http:// URL. HTTPS is not supported.
In particular, your config file or runspec command can re-use a previous flags file by picking it up directly from
Flags Files Are Reusable - and they should be re-used. When multiple results use the same compiler, they can, and probably should, use the same compiler flags file. When a series of hardware products share a common BIOS, they can, and probably should, share a single platform file that describes that BIOS. Re-using flags files allows edits to be propagated to multiple affected result pages.
Making it easier to re-use flags files is the point of the new SPEC CPU2006 V1.2 requirement to separate compiler and platform flags. The intent is that items which tend to change together should be described together; and things that change on separate schedules should be separated.
User flag descriptions are automatically saved within the raw result file so that the result may be reformatted without requiring access to the flags file.
You can use extract_flags to copy the flags from a result file to a new file.
The flag descriptions stored in the raw file will be removed if the result is formatted with the 'noflags' pseudo-flags file (--flagsurl noflags).
The stored flag descriptions can be updated: if you use
runspec --rawformat --flagsurl=newflags1.xml,newflags2.xml
then the above-named two flag description files will replace any descriptions stored in the raw result file. This feature can come in very handy if you need to update your user flags file after you have completed your measurement run. For example, if a flag changes its meaning with a new compiler version, or you find that you have committed typopgraphical errors that cause flags to unexpectedly be reported as "unknown", runspec --rawformat can easily be rerun as needed.
Note that when reformatting with a new user flags file, all of the stored flags files will be replaced. If multiple flags files were used when formatting a result, it is not possible to selectively replace only one. Instead, extract all of them; make your edits; and then put them all back in with rawformat.
An example of using rawformat to update a flags file can be found in section 3.4.1.
Some options may be described in either a compiler flags file or a platform flags file. This section explains why SPEC allows that flexibility, and explains how to pick which file type to use. First, a reminder:
The intent of the separation of compiler flags from platform flags is to improve the probability that things which tend to change together are described together, and that things which tend to change separately are described separately.
For some kinds of information, the placement is obvious. For example:
So far, these examples are straightforward, and they match the intent stated in the box above:
Gray areas: Some options are harder to classify, as can be seen with these examples:
Example 4 can be argued either way: that OMP_NUM_THREADS should be described in the compiler flags file because it is closely related to a compiler flag; or that it should be in the platform file because it is set at run time, not compile time. For environment variables, SPEC allows you to make either choice. Note that as of SPEC CPU2006 V1.1, you can set run-time environment variables via the config file option preenv; doing so may be a very good idea for environment variables that are closely tied to compiler options.
At first glance, for example 5, there seems to be no gray area: obviously, numactl is a runtime setting, so it seems that it should be described in the platform file. But what if the person who selects the numactl command is the same person who selects the compile options, and this person furthermore calls numactl via the config file option submit? In this case, we fall back on the original intent: to improve the probability that things which tend to change together are described together. Because submit options are often changed at the same time as compile options, they may be described in either a compiler flags file or a platform flags file.
Having considered these examples, we are ready to describe a set of guidelines.
Table 1: Guidelines for placement of descriptions.
If an option can be described in multiple places, SPEC recommends choosing the location using these criteria: |
A | Result pages should state what tuning is chosen. |
B | Flag description files should describe what the tuning means. |
C | If the tuning is required in order to build the benchmarks, then describe it in a compiler flags file. |
D | If the tuning relates to the run-time environment and is invisible to the build process (even after considering config file features such as preenv and submit), then describe it in a platform flags file. |
E | For options that do not fit either of the previous two guidelines, please estimate whether it is likely to change as compilers evolve or to change as platforms evolve, and pick the file accordingly. |
Flag description files are used directly in two reports, and have an effect on several other kinds of reports.
A "flags dump" can be generated by flag_dump (see utility.html). A flags dump is an HTML version of all the flags from an XML flags description file.
A "per-result flags report", such as CINT2006.030.ref.flags.html, is generated by runspec --output_format flags (see runspec.html). A per-result flags report includes descriptions only for the flags that were used in that particular test.
Per-result flags reports can be regenerated using runspec --rawformat. You can also regenerate reports after using runspec --update_flags.
An example of using rawformat to update a flags file can be found in section 3.4.1.
In addition, various other result reports draw on the flags description files in order to correctly classify flags. For example, if run #30 uses benchmarks compiled with OPTIMIZE=-unroll=4, then each of CINT2006.030.html, CINT2006.030.txt, CINT2006.030.pdf, and will mention that -unroll=4 was used as an optimization flag.
You will find several examples in your kit in $SPEC/Docs/flags. In addition, there are many flags files at the SPEC web site that have been posted with published results.
As you read this document, you may find it useful to look at three example files which can be found by way of the integer result for the "reference system",, as shown in the figure below.
Figure 1: How to find example flags files at (the above screenshot can be opened in your browser by selecting this link)
As you read this description, you may find it useful to refer to the examples included with the kit, as mentioned at end of the previous chapter.
First, some terminology. Consider this excerpt from the ACME Compiler V12.2 flags file. It has a description for a flag that controls rounding, spelled "-round", which is one of the optimization flags available with this compiler:
<title>Flag descriptions for ACME Compiler 12.2</title> <flag name="rounding" class="optimization" regexp="-round\b"> <include text="-lfastmath" /> Allow mathematical operations to complete more quickly, with a slight loss of accuracy. Specifically, on some operations, the bottom digit may not be correctly rounded. </flag>
In XML terminology, the words in between angle brackets above are called tags, and the tags delimit elements. Notice that most elements have surrounding tag pairs. For example, the title element begins with start tag <title> and ends with </title>.
A tag can also be self-closing, or empty, as in the include tag above. Notice that there is no </include> tag above; rather, there is only a single tag, which ends with "/>".
An element may contain other elements. For example, the <flag> and </flag> tags delimit a multi-line element that contains an <include> element.
A tag may have one or more attributes, which are name=value pairs in the tag. Although the <include> tag above is termed empty (or self-closing), it nevertheless has an attribute, text="-lfastmath", which causes the inclusion of the description for the fast math library.
A flags description file is an XML 1.0 file that conforms to the SPEC CPU flags description Document Type Definition (DTD).
The first lines of the flags file must be
<?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE flagsdescription SYSTEM "" > <flagsdescription>
New: as of SPEC CPU2006 V1.2, please note that the dtd version is now cpuflags2.dtd, not cpuflags1.dtd.
As you might expect, the file must end with a line that is simply
A copy of RXP is in your kit, a validating XML parser that will ensure that your flag description file is valid XML. See "specrxp" in utility.html for an introduction to RXP. (History: specrxp was added in SPEC CPU2006 V1.1,)
Standard HTML-style comments are supported. It is suggested that you use comments near the top of the file to describe its purpose, the system to which it applies, etc. These comments must NOT come before the DOCTYPE declaration. For example:
<!-- ACME Compiler 12.2 Flags. Originally written for V1.0 by Aaron (chairman of the Committee on Engrossed Bills) and updated subsequently to V12.2. -->
A flags description file is an XML document. Flag descriptions commonly include HTML. However, embedding HTML within XML poses a challenge, because XML parsers are promised that ampersand (&) and left angle bracket (<) do not appear unless used as XML markup. The solution is to hide embedded HTML by enclosing it within CDATA sections. (Alternatively, individual brackets could be escaped one at a time, but this is not recommended.)
A CDATA section begins with
and ends with
Any text between the start and end tags will not be touched by the XML parser. Of course, the CDATA end tag may not appear unescaped in the enclosed text.
For example:
<header><![CDATA[ <p>This is an <i>ACME Corporation</i> flags description.</p> <p>Please read it.</p> ]]></header>
SPEC CPU2006 reports are compliant with the XHTML 1.0 Strict standard. Care should be taken that any HTML markup used does not cause reports to become invalid or not well-formed. There is an on-line validator which may be used to check those elements. Because the flag descriptions for a per-result flags report have the same markup as in the flag dump, validating the flags dump (as generated by flag_dump) will ensure that per-result flags reports are also valid.
For convenience, flag descriptions that do not include any HTML will have <p>...</p> added to them. For example:
<flag name="F-fstrength-reduce" class="optimization"> <![CDATA[ <p>Perform the optimizations of loop strength reduction and elimination of iteration variables.</p> ]]> </flag>
could also be said as:
<flag name="F-fstrength-reduce" class="optimization"> Perform the optimizations of loop strength reduction and elimination of iteration variables. </flag>
Automatic addition of <p>...</p> is the only HTML that gets added automatically; otherwise, you're on your own for writing valid HTML. If you do write any of your own HTML, <p>...</p> is not added, because the paragraph tags might interfere with whatever else you had set out to do. In fact, if you include any left or right angle brackets (whether for HTML or just because you'd like to say that "3 > 2"), the automatic addition of <p>...</p> does not occur.
The DTD specifies a strict order for elements described in this chapter. When you use any of these elements, they must appear in the correct order.
Some elements, labeled "common" below, may appear in any flags file. Others may appear only a compiler flags file or only in a platform flags file. The sections below explain what the expected contents are for each element.
Table 2: Element order by file type compiler common platform File name (*) Title (*) Style Submit command SW environment / \ / \ / \ FDO settings OS tuning Header Virtual Machine Named flags Firmware Parts (*) Mandatory. All other elements are optional.
The elements described in this section may appear in both compiler flags files and in platform flags files.
There are times when the flag file moves around without a filename, such as when it is enclosed in a raw result file.
In order to make it possible to extract the file and automatically save it with a useful name, the <filename>...</filename> element may be used to suggest the base of a filename.
For example, this suggests that the filename begin with "ACME-12.2":
The filename may consist of alphanumeric characters, periods, underscores, and hyphens. If present, other characters will be converted to underscores.
Because this is meant to be the base of a filename, any '.xml' or '.html' extensions will be automatically and silently stripped.
There is no guarantee that all tools which might save a copy of the flags file will use the contents of this element. It is only a "suggestion".
A filename element must be provided with all flags files.
Using the <title>...</title> element, you can define text which will be used to form the HTML page title for a flags dump (commonly seen as the window title for the browser). This text is also used as the initial header on the page.
The <title> element is not used for results reporting; it is only used when dumping the flags to an HTML file.
Because it is used in the page title, this element must not contain any HTML markup.
For example:
<title>SPEC CPU2006 Flag Description for 400.perlbench</title>
A title element must be provided with all flags files.
SPEC CPU2006 reports use structural HTML with presentation controlled by CSS. Most discrete elements are identified by a class or an ID (or both) so that they can be styled with a great degree of control. There is a common style sheet, as well as style sheets containing tweaks for screen output and for print output. They contain code to handle everything that the tools output by default.
If you'd like to define some classes for use in your own markup, or if you'd like to override some of the default CSS, you may do so by using the <style>...</style> element. Doing so will affect both per-result flags reports and the flags dump.
As mentioned above, because the flag description file is parsed as XML, some things in the CSS (such as left angle brackets) must be escaped. It is easiest to just enclose all of the CSS in a CDATA section.
For example:
<style><![CDATA[ body { background: red; } ]]></style>
The <submit_command>...</submit_command> element may be used to describe settings, programs, or scripts used in conjunction with the custom command submission facility. If a script is used to handle submissions, the full text is typically included here.
The content of the submit_command element is inserted verbatim after the flag descriptions at the end of both the flags dump and the per-result flag report. For example:
<submit_command><![CDATA[ <p><b><tt>submit=echo 'pbind -b...' > dobmk; sh dobmk</tt></b> (SPEC tools, Unix)<br /> When running multiple copies of benchmarks, <tt><b>submit</b></tt> is used to cause individual jobs to be bound to specific threads. Here is a brief guide to understanding the specific command which will be found in the config file: </p> <ul> <li><tt><b>echo ... > dobmk</b></tt> causes the generated commands to be written to a file, namely <tt>dobmk</tt>. </li> <li><tt><b>sh dobmk</b></tt> actually runs the benchmark.</li> <li><tt><b>pbind -b</b></tt> causes this copy's processes to be bound to the thread specified by the expression that follows it. See the config file used in the submission for the exact syntax, which tends to be cumbersome because of the need to carefully quote parts of the expression. When all expressions are evaluated, each thread ends up with exactly one copy of each benchmark. The pbind expression may include: <ul> <li><tt><b>$SPECCOPYNUM</b></tt>: the SPEC tools-assigned number for this copy of the benchmark. </li> <li><tt><b>psrinfo</b></tt>: find out what processors are available </li> <li><tt><b>grep on-line</b></tt>: search the <tt>psrinfo</tt> output for information regarding on-line cpus </li> <li><tt><b>expr</b></tt>: Calculate simple arithmetic expressions. For example, the effect of binding jobs to a (quote-resolved) expression such as: <br /> <tt>expr ( $SPECCOPYNUM / 4 ) * 8 + ($SPECCOPYNUM % 4 ) )</tt><br /> would be to send the jobs to processors whose numbers are: <br /> <tt>0,1,2,3, 8,9,10,11, 16,17,18,19 ...</tt> </li> <li><tt><b>awk...print \$1</b></tt>: Pick out the line corresponding to this copy of the benchmark and use the CPU number mentioned at the start of this line. </li> </ul></li> </ul> ]]></submit_command>
Notice in the example above that the flags file author has gone to some trouble to make the eventual webpage readable by the consumer of the result (by using various HTML markup), and to make the HTML source maintainable (by indenting and whitespace). Both practices are recommended.
The submit command element may appear in both compiler flags files and in platform flags files. For guidance as to which to use, please see section 1.2.5.
The <sw_environment>...</sw_environment> element may be used to describe shell resources, environment variables, and other software options or installation settings.
The content of the sw_environment element is inserted verbatim after the submit_command section (if any) at the end of both the flags dump and the per-result flag report. For example:
<sw_environment><![CDATA[ <dl> <dt>HUGETLB_MORECORE</dt> <dd>Set this environment variable to "yes" to enable applications to use large pages.</dd> <dt>LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib64/</dt> <dd>Setting this environment variable is necessary to enable applications to use large pages.</dd> <dt>KMP_STACKSIZE</dt> <dd>Specify stack size to be allocated for each thread.</dd> <dt>KMP_AFFINITY</dt> <dd> <ul> <li>KMP_AFFINITY = < physical | logical >, starting-core-id <br /> specifies the static mapping of user threads to physical cores. For example, if you have a system configured with 8 cores, OMP_NUM_THREADS=8 and KMP_AFFINITY=physical,0 then thread 0 will be mapped to core 0, thread 1 will be mapped to core 1, and so on in a round-robin fashion.</li> <li>KMP_AFFINITY = granularity=fine,scatter <br /> The value for the environment variable KMP_AFFINITY affects how the threads from an auto-parallelized program are scheduled across processors. <br /> Specifying granularity=fine selects the finest granularity level, causes each OpenMP thread to be bound to a single thread context. <br /> This ensures that there is only one thread per core on cores supporting HyperThreading Technology<br /> Specifying scatter distributes the threads as evenly as possible across the entire system. <br /> Hence a combination of these two options, will spread the threads evenly across sockets, with one thread per physical core. </li> </ul> </dd> </dl> ]]></sw_environment>
The software environment element may appear in both compiler flags files and in platform flags files. For guidance as to which to use, please see section 1.2.5.
The <fdo_settings>...</fdo_settings> element may be used to describe settings or programs used when doing feedback-directed optimization. This section should not be used to describe flags and settings covered by named flags. It is intended primarily to describe settings for and programs used in fdo_* options.
The content of the fdo_settings element is inserted verbatim after the submit_command section (if any) at the end of both the flags dump and the per-result flag report. For example:
<fdo_settings><![CDATA[ <p>When feedback-directed program reorganization (FDPR) is performed, the following settings are used:</p> <pre> fdo_pre2 = rm -f $baseexe.nprof $baseexe.instr; fdpr -1 -q -p $baseexe fdo_run2 = fdpr -2 -q -p $commandexe -x $command fdo_post2 = fdpr -3 -q -O4 -p $baseexe; mv $baseexe $baseexe.orig; cp ${baseexe}.fdpr $baseexe </pre> <p>In brief, here is an explanation of the commands and the options used:</p> <ol> <li><tt>fdo_pre2</tt> Leftover outputs in the build directory (if any) are removed</li> <li><tt>fdo_pre2</tt> The executable is instrumented and an initial static profile generated</li> <li><tt>fdo_run2</tt> The training workload is run to generate a dynamic profile</li> <li><tt>fdo_post2</tt> The profiles are evaluated and a new, reordered binary (<baseexe>.fdpr) is generated</li> <li><tt>fdo_post2</tt> The uninstrumented binary and the reordered binary are swapped so that the tools use the reordered binary for the benchmark runs.</li> </ol> <p>Options used for the fdpr program:</p> <ul> <li><tt>-1</tt>: Phase 1 - generate static profiles</li> <li><tt>-2</tt>: Phase 2 - generate dynamic profiles</li> <li><tt>-3</tt>: Phase 3 - reorder binary</li> <li><tt>-q</tt>: Quiet mode - no output to stdout</li> <li><tt>-p <program></tt>: Operate on the named binary</li> <li><tt>-x <cmd></tt>: When generating dynamic profiles, use the following arguments to <program></li> <li><tt>-O4</tt>: Switch on the following optimizations: [...etc] </li> </ul> ]]></fdo_settings>
The FDO settings element may appear only in compiler flags files.
Within a <header>...</header> element you can provide some HTML text that you would like to have added to reports.
The contents of this section will be inserted verbatim after the top-level header and before the start of the flag descriptions. If it is non-empty, it must be well-formed and valid XHTML 1.0. If in doubt, validate it.
For example:
<header><![CDATA[ <p>This is a flags description file for ACME Platforms using ACMEBIOS 8 firmware.</p> <p>CPU throttling and Power Management firmware settings are described here. </p> ]]></header>
The default header section in the user flag description file is output in both the flags dump (as generated by the flag_dump utility), and the per-result flags report.
Header settings elements may appear only in compiler flags files.
It is possible to provide some HTML which will appear in a flags dump at the top of each class section, before the flags in that section. This text is also specified with the header element, with a "class" attribute added. Per-class header sections in the user flag description file only appear in the flags dump (as generated by the flag_dump utility); they do not appear in a per-result flags report.
For example, for general notes about optimization flags, use something like this:
<header class="optimization"><![CDATA[ <p>Some suboptions either enable or disable a feature.</p> <p>Suboption values and their effects:</p> <ul> <li>1, on, true - enable the feature</li> <li>0, off, false - disable the feature</li> </ul> <p>These values are not case sensitive.</p> </p> ]]></header>
Header settings elements may appear only in compiler flags files.
The description of each individual flag is enclosed in <flag>...</flag> tags. Because flag recognition and reporting has many features, it is described separately in its own chapter. For now, one example will serve as an introduction:
<flag name="disable-unroll" class="optimization" regexp="-nounroll|-unroll=0" > <![CDATA[ <p>Disables loop unrolling, which is an optimization where the compiler tries to improve performance by making multiple copies of loop bodies. </p> ]]> </flag>
This example describes a flag named disable-unroll. If a benchmark is compiled using either -nounroll or -unroll=0 (notice these strings in the regular expression, or regexp), then the class attribute will cause the Optimization Flags section of the report to link to the descriptive text that is provided: namely, the paragraph that begins "Disables loop..."
Named flag elements may appear only in compiler flags files.
The <os_tuning>...</os_tuning> element may be used to describe operating system install options, boot settings, other operating system configuration settings relevant to the run.
The content of the os_tuning element is inserted verbatim after the sw_environment section (if any) at the end of both the flags dump and the per-result flag report. For example:
<os_tuning> <![CDATA[ <p><b><kbd>autoup=<n></kbd></b> (Unix /etc/system) <br />When the file system flush daemon <tt>fsflush</tt> runs, it writes to disk all modified file buffers that are more than <kbd>n</kbd> seconds old. </p> <p><b><kbd>psrset -c <n></kbd></b> (Unix, superuser commands) <br /> Creates a new processor set and displays the new processor set ID. </p> <p><b><kbd>psrset -e <n></kbd></b> (Unix, superuser commands) <br /> Executes a command (with optional arguments) in the specified processor set. The command process and any child processes are executed only by processors in the processor set.</p> <p><b><kbd>tune_t_fsflushr=<n></kbd></b> (Unix /etc/system) <br /> Controls the number of seconds between runs of the file system flush daemon, <tt>fsflush</tt>. </p> ]]> </os_tuning>
The OS tuning element may appear only in platform flags files.
The <virtual_machine>...</virtual_machine> element may be used to describe settings pertaining to hypervisors, domains, partitioning, or any other virtualization technology used during the benchmark run.
The content of the virtual_machine element is inserted verbatim after the os_tuning section (if any) at the end of both the flags dump and the per-result flag report. For example:
<virtual_machine><![CDATA[ <p>The benchmark run was performed in a resource-capped container configured with the following zonecfg(8) file:</p> <pre> create -b set zonepath=/zhome/speccpu set brand=ipkg set autoboot=true set limitpriv=default,dtrace_proc,dtrace_user add dataset set name=tank/speccpu end add capped-cpu set ncpus=1 end add capped-memory set swap=2G end </pre> ]]></virtual_machine>
The virtual machine element may appear only in platform flags files.
The <firmware>...</firmware> element may be used to describe firmware, BIOS, or microcode settings used on the system under test.
The content of the firmware element is inserted verbatim after the virtual_machine section (if any) at the end of both the flags dump and the per-result flag report. For example:
<firmware><![CDATA[ <dl> <dt>Hardware Prefetch:</dt> <dd> <p>This BIOS option allows the enabling/disabling of a processor mechanism to prefetch data into the cache according to a pattern-recognition algorithm.</p> <p>In some cases, setting this option to Disabled may improve performance. Users should only disable this option after performing application benchmarking to verify improved performance in their environment.</p> </dd> <dt>Adjacent Sector Prefetch:</dt> <dd> <p>This BIOS option allows the enabling/disabling of a processor mechanism to fetch the adjacent cache line within a 128-byte sector that contains the data needed due to a cache line miss.</p> <p>In some cases, setting this option to Disabled may improve performance. Users should only disable this option after performing application benchmarking to verify improved performance in their environment.</p> </dd> <dt>High Bandwidth:</dt> <dd>Enabling this option allows the chipset to defer memory transactions and process them out of order for optimal performance.</dd> </dl> ]]></firmware>
The firmware element may appear only in platform flags files.
The <parts>...</parts> element may be used to describe hardware and software parts and options needed to complete the system.
The content of the parts element is inserted verbatim after the firmware section (if any) at the end of both the flags dump and the per-result flag report. For example:
<parts><![CDATA[ <p>Any case and fan combination providing at least 347 SCFM over the processor's thermal control gear.</p> <p>PGUM #28-451 must be installed in order to enable large pages to be allocated on non-local memory boards in large memory systems. This is an extra-cost option and does not come with the standard operating system install.</p> ]]></parts>
The parts element may appear only in platform flags files.
This chapter provides the full description for <flag> elements and attributes. A brief overview of the XML concepts of tags, elements, and attributes is available in section 2.1.
A flags file can be validated against its XML dtd. Therefore, flag details must be specified in the correct locations. Some are specified as attributes within the opening <flag ... > tag, and others are specified as standalone elements inside of the flag element. The text of the flag description itself is the text within the flag section; it is not called out by any special element or attribute name, although usually you will want to place it within a CDATA marker.
The attributes that are allowed on a flag tag are:
name (*)
class (*)
regexp (**)
(*) The name and class are mandatory.
(**) The regexp must be provided unless it is implied by
a carefully chosen name.
Attributes may be specified in any order.
The elements that are allowed to be contained inside a flag element are:
descriptive text
Unlike top-level elements, these "child" elements of the flag element may be specified in any order.
Here is an example that contains every allowed attribute and element:
<flag name="F-Ox" class="optimization" regexp="-O(\d+)\b" compilers="cc,c++" parallel="no"> <example>-O3</example> <ex_replacement>3</ex_replacement> <![CDATA[ <!-- Because this comment appears within the CDATA section, it will also appear in any HTML generated from the flag description. --> <p>-O$1 enables optimization at level $1.</p> ]]> <include flag="F-Qunroll" /> <include text="F-inline=$1" /> <display enable="1" /> </flag>
Because whitespace is largely ignored (except within quoted and CDATA sections), the above can be rendered in a much more readable fashion:
<flag name="F-Ox" class="optimization" regexp="-O(\d+)\b" compilers="cc,c++" parallel="no" > <example> -O3 </example> <ex_replacement>3</ex_replacement> <include flag="F-Qunroll" /> <include text="F-inline=$1" /> <display enable="1" /> <![CDATA[ <!-- Because this comment appears within the CDATA section, it will also appear in any HTML generated from the flag description. --> <p>-O$1 enables optimization at level $1.</p> ]]> </flag>
All of the options are fully explained in the sections below.
Each flag must have a name attribute. The flags file XML name attribute is not necessarily the same string of characters as seen by humans using the compiler. For example, the human-readable strings
{ "-O1", "-O2", ... "-O9" }
could, if you wish, be referenced with the arbitrary XML name "Big-Buncha-Optimizer-Levels" or even "XYZZY".
Although the XML name string is arbitrary, you will probably find it useful to choose names that bear a more obvious relationship to the human-readable name, for three reasons:
The XML flag name attribute must be unique. If you format a single result using multiple flags files (with --flagsurl=file1.xml,file2.xml or the config file option flaagsurl), the name must be unique across all the files.
Because names are used to construct anchors, there are some restrictions on composition. The full specification is spelled out in the "Name" production (#5) in XML 1.0 section 2.3; in brief:
A name must begin with a letter, a colon, or an underscore. This restriction basically means that the XML name attribute is almost never going to be spelled exactly the same way as the human-readable compiler flag, since compiler flags typically begin with other characters than the ones mentioned here. Notably, a name may not begin with a slash or hyphen.
After that, it may be composed of letters, digits, periods, hyphens ('-'), underscores, or colons. Notably, a name may not include an equals sign.
See the regexp section for suggested naming conventions that meet the above restrictions.
Each flag must also have a class attribute, which determines how the flag is reported. There are 7 possible classes.
These are flags that are supplied by SPEC for every compile. With a few exceptions, they cannot be overridden. Flags in the "mandatory" class are not listed on per-result flags reports, but they do appear in the dump of the suite-wide flags file, $SPEC/benchspec/flags_mandatory.xml.
These are flags that may not be used. If "forbidden" flags are present, that does not prevent you from doing a run; but such flags will be prominently displayed in red on the result pages and in the per-result flags file.
Flags in this class are candidates for consideration as portability as defined in the SPEC CPU2006 run rules section 2.1.5. For example, the flags description file for 465.tonto classifies -DLANGUAGE_FORTRAN_90 as portability; if your system needs it, your config file might say:
465.tonto=default: PORTABILITY = -DLANGUAGE_FORTRAN_90
and the reports of your runs will mention the use of -DLANGUAGE_FORTRAN_90 in the Portability Flags section. But note that the appearance of a flag in the "portability" class in a flag description file is not alone enough to meet rule 2.1.5; the tested platform must actually need the flag.
Portability flags are required to appear in configuration variables that contain the string PORTABILITY; if you use a flag from the portability class in a configuration variable such as OPTIMIZATION, COPTIMIZATION, and so forth, this will be flagged as an error.
Flags in this class are considered to be "optimization" flags. If any flags in this class are used in a configuration variable that are intended for portability flags, such as PORTABILITY, CXXPORTABILITY, and so forth, this will be noted in the results.
This class is used only to match the invocation strings for compilers (that is, the first token on the command line). Items in this class will be displayed on the per-result flags report. Additionally, during subsequent flag matching on a particular benchmark binary, the current compiler class is remembered. This memory enables flags to be selectively matched based on their compilers attribute.
You can relate flags (such as -g) to specific compilers (such as /opt/turboblaster/f95). You can relate more than one flag with identical spelling (for the human) to differing compilers; for example there might be a different -g switch, with its own meaning, for /opt/turboblaster/cc.
This is all kept straight by putting compilers into their own class and then allowing individual flags to reference them using a compiler attribute. For example:
<flag name="tbcc" class="compiler" regexp="/opt/turboblaster/cc" > C compiler </flag> <flag name="tbf95" class="compiler" regexp="/opt/turboblaster/f95" > Fortran 95 compiler </flag> <flag name="g_cc" regexp="-g" class="optimization" compilers="tbcc"> Enables debugging. Does not disable optimization. </flag> <flag name="g_f95" regexp="-g" class="optimization" compilers="tbf95"> Enables debugging. Disables optimization. </flag>
Notice above the use of the compiler names to link them to their switches. The effect of the above example is that if the tools are reporting on a benchmark whose compile line began /opt/turboblaster/f95, then upon encountering the string -g, the description for g_f95 will be printed, not the description for g_cc.
This class is used for flags and other things that are neither optimization nor portability. These include flags that specify locations to the compiler, flags that change the compiler's verbosity, etc. Items in this class will be displayed on the per-result flags report.
This class is used internally in the tools. Flags in this class will always be listed in the "unknown flags" section on the per-result flag report. This should not be used in a flags description file; after all, if it's listed there, it isn't unknown, is it?
Each flag must have a regexp attribute, which is a Perl-style regular expression that can be used to pick the flag out of a string of characters. This requirement may seem daunting, but for many flags, a carefully-chosen name will yield a default regexp that will work.
If you've not seen regular expressions before, suggestions for reading may be found in section 3.3.5.
Commonly, a regular expression can be generated by default from the flag name, especially if flag names are chosen with knowledge of both the XML name rules and knowledge of the defaults described in this section.
As noted in the name section, there are some restrictions that make it nearly impossible to construct an XML name that is exactly the same as the human-readable spelling of the flag. This is primarily because most flags begin with a hyphen ("-") or a forward slash ("/"). A hyphen may not be the first character in an XML name, and forward slashes are not allowed at all. Because of that, there are some standard transformations that the tools will do in order to construct a default regular expression from a flag name. The following steps will be performed in the order listed:
If a flag name begins with the string "F-", the "F" will be stripped, and the remainder used as the basis for the default regexp. Thus a flag named "F-fast" will generate a default regexp that matches "-fast". The regexp will do case-sensitive matching. This takes care of a common situation for Unix systems.
If a flag name begins with the string "f-", the "f-" will be stripped, and "[-/]" will be prepended to it. In addition, the regexp will have "(?i)" added to the beginning to cause it to match in a case-insensitive fashion. Thus a flag named "f-optimize" will generate a default regexp that will match any of "/OPTIMIZE", "-OPTIMIZE", "-Optimize", or "/OpTiMiZe". This takes care of a common situation for Windows systems.
If no replacement for "F-" or "f-" was done, "[-/]" will be prepended to the regexp. This option is available if you want case-sensitive matching for the string and you want the beginning punctuation to be included in the regexp, but you don't care whether the punctuation looks like Unix or Windows. This situation is, as it were, case sensitive and OS-insensitive.
The default composition of a name does not allow it to contain an equals ("=") symbol; since this is common in many flags, the next decision is made based on whether or not a colon is present, as a stand-in for equals.
If the string contains a colon (":") then the first (and only the first) occurrence of a colon will be converted to an equal symbol. Thus a flag named "F-DBYTEORDER:1234" will match "-DBYTEORDER=1234".
If the string does not contain a colon, then the default regexp value will have
appended to it. In this pattern, "=" matches an equals sign - that is, it is not a pattern metacharacter, unlike all the rest of this regular expression. The "\S*" says that a string of non-blank characters is optional. The "(?:pattern)" notation groups the pattern inside the parentheses so that the "?" operator that immediately follows the closing parentheses applies to it, thus allowing 0 or 1 instances of the whole thing.
The overall effect of "(?:=\S*)?" is thus to optionally match an equals sign and a value that does not contain whitespace. This should be sufficient to catch most forms of basic definition: a flag named "F-DFOO" will catch use of "-DFOO", "-DFOO=", and "-DFOO=bar".
Finally, we will keep the default regular expression from matching longer flags that have the above as the first part of the string. For example, we do not want "-DSPEC_CPU_SOLARIS" to match "-DSPEC_CPU_SOLARIS_SPARC" (since that would leave "_SPARC" alone and unknown). Usually, "\b" (match a word boundary) is added to the end. But if the flag does not end with an alphanumeric, then "(?=\s|$)" will be appended to the regexp, which says to accept either white space or end of string. (You'll find more about this way of recognizing the end of a switch in section 3.3.4, below.)
Note that if this sequence of transformations does not yield an acceptable regular expression, it will be necessary to provide one explicitly via the regexp attribute. Some hints for doing so are given in the next few sections.
Some cases in which the default regular expression is not sufficient:
When the text of a flag is not constant, a more complex regular expression must be used. In that case, nearly any of the full range of Perl regular expression features may be used: backreferences, negative and positive look-ahead and look-behind assertions, minimal matching, etc. The only features that may not be used are ones marked "experimental" in the Perl documentation or ones which involve evaluating Perl code inside the regular expression.
Captured backreferences may be substituted into the flag description text and included flags . For example, in the following (inadequate) flag description:
<flag name="xO" class="optimization" regexp="-xO([0-9]+)\b"> This flag enables optimization at level $1. </flag>
The regexp would match any flag which consisted of the characters "-xO" followed by one or more digits. The digits are "captured" by the parentheses that surround [0-9]+ and made available to the text. So for a flag like "-xO5", the text produced in the flag report would read
This flag enables optimization at level 5.
This feature allows complex flags (such as a flag that causes the compiler to pass a bunch of flags directly to the linker) to be compactly described. There's no reason you couldn't simply list each variation separately; in cases where there are only two or three possibilities, that may be preferable. But if you want to get fancy, you can.
To insert a literal dollar sign into replacement text, prefix it with a backslash ("\", as in \$VMSDirName). To insert a literal backslash, prefix it with another backslash.
If your flag ends with a non-alphanumeric character, \b is not the correct way to end it. The reason is that \b is a zero-width assertion that matches the boundary between a "word" (alphanumeric) character and a non-"word" character. For most flags, \b is just the thing, since both whitespace and the end of the string are considered by Perl to be "non-word" characters.
But what about when you have a flag that does not end in an alphanumeric character? Say you have a flag that will appear on the compiler command line as '-fpsafe-'. You can't use \b because the last character in that flag is a dash. It's time for the "zero-width positive lookahead assertion", that is, (?=pattern), with pattern set to match either whitespace or end of string:
So for the example above, the full regexp would be
That will ensure that your flag description matches only the string '-fpsafe-' and not something like '-fpsafe-all'.
In fact, you could safely replace all occurrences of \b with the construct above. But \b is more concise and looks a lot less confusing, so we'll use that wherever we can.
You can learn about Perl's regular expression capabilities by typing any of these three commands:
specperldoc perlretut specperldoc perlrequick specperldoc perlre
You'll find the same information on many systems by typing "man perl", or you can try Jeffrey Friedl has also written a book called Mastering Regular Expressions which you might find helpful.
With one exception, all flags must have descriptive text. After all, the whole point of this exercise is to locate and describe the flags being used. This text is what's contained in the <flag...> element, so there's no special attribute or element name for it.
The only time a description may be omitted is in the case of non-displayed flags (such as splitters). Those flags must not have descriptive text. See the controlling display section for more information.
As mentioned in section 3.3.3, descriptive text can use elements of the regular expression to make them more specific. Here is how we could modify the supplied example flags file to use this feature:
$ cp $SPEC/Docs/flags/flags-advanced.xml ./myflags.xml ... edit, save changes .... here are the differences: $ diff -U3 $SPEC/Docs/flags/flags-advanced.xml ./myflags.xml --- /bench/cpu2006/pre1.1kits/kit104/Docs/flags/flags-advanced.xml Mon Nov 26 19:23:31 2007 +++ ./myflags.xml Fri Jan 4 08:32:27 2008 @@ -1221,9 +1221,9 @@ <flag name="xpagesize" class="optimization" - regexp="-xpagesize=\S+\b"> + regexp="-xpagesize=(\S+)\b"> <example>-xpagesize=<n></example> -Set the preferred page size for running the program. +Set the preferred page size for running the program to $1 </flag> <flag name="xpagesize_stack" $
(The lines marked "+" in the diff output above are added, and the lines marked "-" are removed.)
Now, let's actually go ahead and apply that change to the reference system. To do so, we save the html result for the reference system, then use extract_raw to get the rawfile from the html page, then rawformat and --flagsurl to apply it:
$ extract_raw cpu2006-20060513-00001.html cpu2006-20060513-00001.html: Wrote "cpu2006-20060513-00001.rsf" $ rawformat --flagsurl ./myflags.xml --output_format html cpu2006-20060513-00001.rsf rawformat v5949 - Copyright 1999-2008 Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation Using 'solaris-sparc' tools Reading MANIFEST... 2362 files Loading rawformat modules............ Locating benchmarks...found 31 benchmarks in 2 benchsets. Locating output formats: ASCII, config, CSV, flags, HTML, mail, PDF, PostScript, raw, Screen, Submission Check Formatting cpu2006-20060513-00001.rsf Retrieving flags file (./myflags.xml)... ... Doing flag reduction: done Renaming previous rawfile to cpu2006-20060513-00001.rsf.old.0 format: raw -> cpu2006-20060513-00001.rsf format: flags -> cpu2006-20060513-00001.flags.html format: HTML -> cpu2006-20060513-00001.html, cpu2006-20060513-00001.gif rawformat finished at Thu Apr 24 08:54:41 2008; 12 total seconds elapsed
Notice above that a new rawfile was automatically written. It contains the new flags file. Here is a snapshot of two browser windows to show the difference between the reference system as posted at and our updated version:
Figure 2: Before/after substitution of captured text
If the use of a flag implies the use or setting of another flag or flags, that may be noted. To do this, use the empty tag <include />. This tag has two attributes and may be used multiple times to reference more than one flag. The attributes allow inclusion of other flags either by name or by text. For example, if this flag is defined within the flags file,
<flag name="rounding" class="optimization" regexp="-round\b"> Allow mathematical operations to complete more quickly, with a slight loss of accuracy. Specifically, on some operations, the bottom digit may not be correctly rounded. </flag>
then other flags could reference it by saying either:
<include flag="rounding" />
<include text="-round" />.
When deciding whether to include by flag name or by flag text, consider that:
This attribute allows you to implicitly include other flags by name. This attribute may only appear once per <include /> tag and must contain the name of only one flag. Included flags appear in per-result flags reports if they come from user flag description files. Flags that come from SPEC's own distribution (Suite-wide flags file or Per-benchmark flags files) are linked to descriptions posted at SPEC's web site. For example:
<flag name="F-DSPEC_CPU_X64" class="portability"> <include flag="SPEC_CPU_LITTLEENDIAN" /> <include flag="MYSWAP" /> <include flag="NEED_VA_COPY" /> <include flag="SPEC_CPU_NO_NV_PRESERVES_UV" /> This macro indicates that the benchmark is being built on an x64 (AMD64-compatible) system. </flag>
If -DSPEC_CPU_X64 is used either explicitly or as the result of the use of another flag, it also implies that the flags named SPEC_CPU_LITTLEENDIAN, MYSWAP, NEED_VA_COPY, and SPEC_CPU_NO_NV_PRESERVES_UV are also used.
Note that flags included in this way, because they are referred to by name, must also be described. If an attempt is made to include a flag that is not described, runspec will abort. A validating XML parser would also be able to detect this problem.
If you use <include flag="x">, then you identify a named flag "x" that is to be included, but this may not be sufficiently specific if the flag takes more than one form in its regexp. Therefore, only when the include element is used with a flag attribute, the flagtext attribute may be added to achieve greater specificity.
To see why the flagtext attribute is useful, please consider what happens if you do not use it. Without this attribute, there are two possibly undesirable actions that the tools take:
(If you haven't read about use of example and ex_replacements text, you may want to read their respective sections before reading this section.)
If the included flag has only one form (such as -fast), the example is correct, and the description contains no backreferences to be substituted, then the flagtext attribute is unnecessary. This is the common case.
However, for flags that take values or have backreferences in their descriptive text, this attribute is very useful. Consider the following flag description:
<flag name="xtarget" class="optimization" regexp="-xtarget=\S+\b"> <example>-xtarget=tb9000, -xtarget=native</example> <![CDATA[ <p>This flag is a convenience option which is used to set various system- specific scheduler parameters. The following values are valid:</p> <ul> <li>tb1: Set parameters suitable for the TurboBlaster 1 processor</li> <li>tb2: Set parameters suitable for the TurboBlaster 2 processor</li> <li>tb9000: Set parameters suitable for TurboBlaster 9000 processor.</li> <li>native: Set parameters for the current processor.</li> </ul> ]]> </flag>
Let's say there's another flag (-unrolltb2) that automatically sets -xtarget=tb2, like this:
<flag name="F-unrolltb2" class="optimization"> <include flag="xtarget" /> Unroll optimally for TurboBlaster 2. Also sets xtarget for the TurboBlaster 2. </flag>
Using -unrolltb2 would result in a description that would look something like this:
Unroll optimally for TurboBlaster 2. Also sets xtarget for the TurboBlaster 2.
-xtarget=tb9000, -xtarget=native
-xtarget=tb9000, -xtarget=native
This flag is a convenience option which is used to set various system- specific scheduler parameters. The following values are valid:
Figure 3: An included flag referenced by its <example> text
Not very accurate, is it? The two sections might be separated by substantial space (as indicated by the three dots above), so when readers get to the second description they might not recall exactly what form of -xtarget is in use today, and the description will be of limited value.
However, using the flagtext attribute, as in
<include flag="xtarget" flagtext="-xtarget=tb2" />
would result in a description that looks more like
Unroll optimally for TurboBlaster 2. Also sets xtarget for the TurboBlaster 2.
This flag is a convenience option which is used to set various system- specific scheduler parameters. The following values are valid:
Figure 4: An included flag referenced by its <flagtext>
As you can see above, it's clear from both the text used for the link as well as the name of the described flag that -xtarget=tb2 is the flag that is actually included.
The text in the flagtext attribute is subject to backreference substitution, similar to how the text attribute is handled.
This attribute allows you to add the text of flags back into the flags list that is being processed. The text listed is subject to backreference substitution. For example:
<flag name="fast" class="optimization" regexp="-fast(32|64)\b"> <include text="-g$1" /> This switch is not for going slowly. </flag>
With this flag description, -fast32 or -fast64 cause either -g32 or -g64 to be put back into the list of flags to be parsed. The inclusions will go back into the same variable from which they came.
Since they're parsed as regular flags, the new flags need to be described. If they are not, the per-result flags report will put them in the "unknown" flag section.
Flag insertion by text is a powerful feature that allows complex multi-switch flags to be decomposed and parsed as if they were several individual flags.
For example, given the PathScale-style multi-switch flag -OPT:Ofast:ro=3:fast_sqrt, the following flag description would break it up into its constituent parts:
<flag name="F-OPT:all" class="optimization" regexp="-OPT:([^:\s]+):(.+)\b"> <include text="-OPT:$1" /> <include text="-OPT:$2" /> <display enable="0" /> </flag>
The regular expression matches -OPT: followed by some text that does not contain a colon or white space (which is captured), followed by a colon and additional text (which is also captured). Both instances of saved text are reinserted into the flags variable prepended by "-OPT:". In other words, it effectively causes the original long string
to be replaced by
-OPT:Ofast -OPT:ro=3:fast_sqrt
and then (as it iterates again) by
-OPT:Ofast -OPT:ro=3 -OPT:fast_sqrt
All that's left is to describe each individual flag. So the complete form of the above example would be something like:
<!-- Splitter for -OPT flags --> <flag name="F-OPT:all" class="optimization" regexp="-OPT:([^:\s]+):(.+)\b"> <include text="-OPT:$1" /> <include text="-OPT:$2" /> <display enable="0" /> </flag> <flag name="F-OPT:Ofast" class="optimization" regexp="-OPT:Ofast\b"> -OPT:Ofast tells the compiler to turn on Every Known Optimization mode. </flag> <flag name="F-OPT:ro" class="optimization" regexp="-OPT:ro=(\d+)"> Specifies the level of acceptable departure from source language floating-point, round-off, and overflow semantics. [...] </flag> <flag name="F-OPT:fast_sqrt" class="optimization" regexp="-OPT:Ofast_sqrt\b"> Replaces calls to the accurate but slow square root implementation with calls to fast_sqrt, which is only accurate to within 37 ulp. </flag>
The compilers attribute allows you to specify that a particular flag only applies to a particular set of compilers. The value for this attribute is a comma-separated list of flag names. The flags referenced must be in the compiler class.
The example attribute allows the specification of readable text for display of flag references, such as in the HTML flag dump. The flags file found by callout 3 from Figure 1 has this text:
<flag name="xpagesize" class="optimization" regexp="-xpagesize=\S+\b"> <example>-xpagesize=<n></example> Set the preferred page size for running the program. </flag>
...which leads to the two different reports shown below. The first report, a per-result flags file, shows the specific string that matched the regexp above: -xpagesize=4M. The second report, a flags dump, doesn't have a matching regexp - so what should we print? The answer is given by the <example> text, namely -xpagesize=<n>.
Figure 5: The per-result flags file uses the matched regexp; the flags dump uses the
<example> text.
If no example flag text is given, the flag name will be used for display. If the flag name begins with "F-" or "f-", it will be replaced with just "-"; otherwise, a hyphen will be added at the front. If it contains a ":", the first such will be changed to an equals sign. (These changes parallel the changes that are made for generation of default regular expressions.)
Unlike a flag name, the example text does not need to be unique. For example, if two compilers have the same flag text with different meanings, example can be set identically for both:
<flag name="cc-Ox" class="optimization" regexp="-O(\d+)\b" compilers="cc"> <example>-O1 through -O4</example> <![CDATA[ <p>This flag enables optimization at level <i>x</i>. Explanation of levels is as follows:</p> <ol> <li> Basic, kindergarten-level optimization.</li> <li> Good optimization. You should use this unless it breaks your program.</li> <li> The best optimization that we know how to do, except ZZZ.</li> <li> Like #3, but adds ZZZ.</li> </ol> ]]> </flag> <flag name="f90-Ox" class="optimization" regexp="-O(\d+)\b" compilers="f90"> <example>-O1 through -O4</example> <![CDATA[ <p>This flag enables optimization at level <i>x</i>. Explanation of levels is as follows:</p> <ol> <li> Basic, kindergarten-level optimization.</li> <li> Good optimization. You should use this unless it breaks your program.</li> <li> The best optimization that we know how to do.</li> <li> Like #3, but works even when column 72 is overpunched.</li> </ol> ]]> </flag>
The ex_replacement attribute allows you to specify replacements for $1, $2, and so forth in the descriptive text and in included flag parameters. These would normally come from text captured by the regexp during flag matching; when the regexp is not being used for matching (as when doing a flags dump), these replacements will be used.
This attribute may be specified multiple times.
Here is how we could add this feature to the supplied example flags file:
$ diff -U3 $SPEC/Docs/flags/flags-advanced.xml ./myflags.xml --- /bench/cpu2006/pre1.1kits/kit104/Docs/flags/flags-advanced.xml Mon Nov 26 19:23:31 2007 +++ ./myflags.xml Fri Jan 4 09:43:37 2008 @@ -1221,9 +1221,15 @@ <flag name="xpagesize" class="optimization" - regexp="-xpagesize=\S+\b"> + regexp="-xpagesize=(\S+)\b"> + +<ex_replacement>one of the valid sizes for your platform - e.g. 8KB, 4M. +You can find out what sizes are supported on your +platform by saying "pagesize -a"</ex_replacement> + <example>-xpagesize=<n></example> -Set the preferred page size for running the program. + +Set the preferred page size for running the program to $1 </flag> <flag name="xpagesize_stack" $ flag_dump myflags.xml Processing myflags.xml...wrote myflags.html $
(The lines marked "+" in the diff output above are added, and the lines marked "-" are removed.) Notice below that the flags dump now has our new text from the <ex_replacement>:
Figure 6: Flags dump after application of <ex_replacement>
You can also apply the example replacements feature for flags that are included by other flags. The included example, $SPEC/Docs/flags/flags-advanced.xml, could be modified to use this feature, like so:
$ diff -U2 $SPEC/Docs/flags/flags-advanced.xml include-ex_replace.xml ... >flag name="xtarget" class="optimization" - regexp="-xtarget=\S+\b"< + regexp="-xtarget=(\S+)\b"< >example<-xtarget=native>/example< -Selects options appropriate for the system where the compile is taking place, including architecture, chip, and cache -sizes. (These can also be controlled separately, via -xarch, -xchip, and -xcache, respectively.) +>include flag="xarch" flagtext="-xarch=$1" /< +>include flag="xcache" flagtext="-xcache=$1" /< +>include flag="xchip" flagtext="-xchip=$1" /< +>ex_replacement<platform>/ex_replacement< +Selects options appropriate for the system where the compile is +taking place, including architecture, chip, and cache sizes. +(These can also be controlled separately, via -xarch=$1, +-xchip=$1, and -xcache=$1, respectively.) >/flag< +>flag name="xcache" + class="optmization" + regexp="-xcache=(\S+)"< +... something about how caches work ... +>/flag< +
Flag descriptions that serve only to "split" multiple-option flags into smaller, more matchable chunks generally won't have any descriptive text (since they perform a function other than describing a flag). These special "splitter" flags do not necessarily need to show up in the flag report; in that case, display can be disabled by use of the display element and its single attribute enable.
Note that disabling display of a particular flag description is only allowed if the flag in question contains no descriptive text and ONLY includes other flags by textual insertion. For example:
<!-- Splitter for -OPT flags --> <flag name="F-OPT:all" class="optimization" regexp="-OPT:([^:\s]+):(.+)\b"> <include text="-OPT:$1" /> <include text="-OPT:$2" /> <display enable="0" /> </flag>
See section 3.5.2 for an explanation of how this description works.
This rule is ignored when generating a flags dump.
The rule is also ignored when results are formatted for review, with the runspec --review switch.
The parallel attribute allows you to specify that a particular flag implies that code will be compiled with automatic support for parallel execution. The value for this attribute is either "yes" or "no"; "no" is the default.
Use of a flag with this attribute set to "yes" will cause the "Auto Parallel" field in the report to be set to "Yes" unless sw_parallel_defeat is set in the raw file.
For an explanation of the intended usage model, (History: which was added in SPEC CPU2006 V1.1), please see the discussion About Auto Parallel Reporting in config.html.
Inclusion of other attributes (whether intentionally or by typo) will be flagged as an error and cause the flag description file being read to be ignored.
Inclusion of other elements (whether intentionally or by typo) will be flagged as an error and cause the flag description file being read to be ignored.
Flags in each file are processed in the order in which they appear; there is no explicit precedence mechanism. If a description matches more than 100 times when processing flags for a single benchmark, that description will be disabled, a warning emitted, and processing will continue.
Validate .xml: After you write your flags file, validate the XML.
Validate .html: Then, create a flag dump with HTML output, and validate that too.
Combine files wisely: (History: since the release of SPEC CPU2006 V1.1,) you can use multiple flags files to format a single result. Some suggestions on use of this feature:
If you use multiple independent compilers, you will probably find it useful to have flags files that address each compiler separately. That way, when compiler companies release their compilers on independent schedules, you can update the corresponding flags files accordingly. (Note that flag names must be unique even when they are located in separate files. So, you might want to consider using flag names such as fast-f90-A for the -fast switch in the Fortran compiler from Company A.)
Recall that there are two forms of HTML output generated from the .xml flags files: flags dumps and per-result flags reports. When a flags file is dumped, it should stand on its own, including useful informational elements such as section headers. When flags files are merged in per-result reports, the tools try to make sensible decisions about how to merge them. For example, if you use the os_tuning feature, the per-result report will say:
This result has been formatted using multiple flags files. The "OS Tuning" from each of them appears next. --- OS Tuning from file1.xml ... --- OS Tuning from file2.xml
The tools can't always guess the best way of combining flags files. You should be prepared to review, and possibly adjust, the informational elements, as you experiment with flag file combining.
Separate unique content: In general, if you are writing flags files for use by others, try to think through the separation of common content from unique content, so as to avoid un-needed flags file proliferation. For example, platform settings with lots of description of a special BIOS probably belong in a separate flags file.
Choose filenames wisely: If you are writing a flags file that is expected to evolve over time, it's probably wise to suggest a name on the order of "AcmeC10.1-WXP-RevA", not something like "Acme-Compiler-Corporation-C-Compiler-Version10.1-Windows-XP-20070710-flags-file.xml". The long name has various problems:
If it is posted at, users who might browse that directory looking for a suitable flags file for their own use probably won't be able to see the whole name.
From context, it's already clear that it's a flags-file.
The string 20070710 looks too much like the automatically-generated string that the SPEC tools will sometimes add to posted flags files; that's why the directory has some unfortunate names of the form ...-20070710.20070825.xml.
(History: since the release of SPEC CPU2006 V1.1,) The tools will try to shorten names where possible, for example by stripping off the date in the suggested name before adding a new one. That's all the more reason to make YOUR revision tracking scheme something like the suggested "RevA".
This section explains how to update a SPEC CPU2006 V1.1 flags file to V1.2, using an example.
You may realize that you are using an old-format flags file if you see a message similar to this:
ERROR: An error was encountered while parsing the flag description file at /cpu2006/V1.2/config/Oracle-Solaris-Studio12.2.xml Output from the XML validator follows: ----------- Error: Start tag for undeclared element platform_settings in unnamed entity at line 91 char 19
The problem above is that although the named file (/cpu2006/V1.2/config/Oracle-Solaris-Studio12.2.xml) has useful information about the tested platform, the information needs to be updated and put into new locations. For SPEC CPU2006 V1.2, instead of using a platform element, you need to use a platform file. The message above is telling you that there is no element named "platform_settings" (as of V1.2).
To resolve the above error message and adapt to the new format, the user does the following (*):
![]() |
Before beginning, open a browser window positioned to the handy diagram that breaks down which elements go in which type of file. |
Copy the old flags file to two new ones, updating and removing some elements:
Copy the older flags file (in this example, Oracle-Solaris-Studio12.2.xml) to a new compiler flags file (in this case, Oracle-Solaris-StudioN.xml, where N is the number for the new compiler version), and:
Also copy the original (in this example, Oracle-Solaris-Studio12.2.xml) to a new platform flags file (in this example, Oracle-M-series.xml, where M-series is a designator for a group of Oracle hardware systems), and:
Next, go through the former <platform_settings> material, think (**) about its contents, and divide it up. The exact steps will depend on your file contents; for the present example, the effort included:
Upon completing the edits, the structure (for this example) is:
Oracle-Solaris-StudioN.xml: <flagsdescription> <filename>Oracle-Solaris-StudioN</filename> <title>Oracle Solaris Studio Flags</title> <style> <submit_command> <sw_environment> <header> <flag name= (many named flags... </flagsdescription> |
Oracle-M-series.xml: <flagsdescription> <filename>Oracle-M-series</filename> <title>Oracle M Series Platform file</title> <style> <sw_environment> <os_tuning> <firmware> </flagsdescription> |
Validate your flags files -- both XML and HTML flags_dump (section 6.)
To use the two files:
(*) | The example is a real case. It has been edited for clarity. |
(**) | Thinking about the platform settings is the point of the exercise. In this example, there are old descriptions that have nothing to do with M-series, items that are obsolete, items that are wrong. All of the information should be reviewed for relevance and accuracy as you split it up. |
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