Document Title: CONTENTS Subject: Information about SPEC CPU2017 redistributable_sources directory ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The redistributable_sources directory on the SPEC CPU2017 media contains a couple of subdirectories: redistributable_sources/original Archives of the original sources that were used for various CPU2017 tools and benchmarks. redistributable_sources/modified Archives of the sources, as modified by SPEC, for various CPU2017 tools and benchmarks. These archives are provided primarily for reference purposes, so that interested parties can investigate the changes required to turn an application into a benchmark. Some of the archives must also be here to satisfy requirements of their licenses. Copies of the licenses that cover the freely-available and redistributable archives used for the CPU2017 benchmark suite are one level up, in Docs/licenses/. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- $Id: CONTENTS.txt 5904 2018-04-19 17:53:15Z CloyceS $