SPECjbb2005 bops = 422782, SPECjbb2005 bops/JVM = 26424
Sun Microsystems, Inc. Sun SPARC Enterprise T5240
Sun Microsystems, Inc. Java HotSpot(TM) 32-Bit Server VM on Solaris, version 1.6.0_14 Performance Release
SPEC license # 6, Tested by: Sun Microsystems, Inc., Test date: Jul 24, 2009
Multi JVM Mode
JVM run JVM Scores
1 26331
2 26295
3 26413
4 26187
5 26335
6 26243
7 26822
8 26181
9 26751
10 26733
11 26819
12 26176
13 26764
14 26249
15 26238
16 26245
SPECjbb2005 bops=422782, SPECjbb2005 bops/JVM=26424
Vendor Sun Microsystems, | Vendor Sun Microsystems,
Inc. | Inc.
Vendor URL http://www.sun.com | Vendor URL http://www.sun.com
Model Sun SPARC Enterprise | JVM Version Java HotSpot(TM)
T5240 | 32-Bit Server VM on
Processor UltraSPARC(TM) T2 | Solaris, version
Plus | 1.6.0_14 Performance
MHz 1582 | Release
# of Chips 2 | Command Line psrset -e
# of Cores 16 | processor set
# of Cores/Chip 8 | number priocntl
HW Threads Yes | -c FX -t 250 -e java
Procs avail to 128 | -Xmx3g -Xms3g -Xmn2g
Java | -XX:+UseParallelOldG
Memory (MB) 65536 | C
Memory Details 16x 4GB DDR2-667 | -XX:+AggressiveOpts
FBDIMMs | -XX:ParallelGCThread
L1 Cache 16KB(I)+8KB(D) per | s=11
core | -XX:LargePageSizeInB
L2 Cache 4MB per chip | ytes=256m
Other Cache | -XX:AllocatePrefetch
Filesystem ZFS | Style=2
Disks 1x 146GB SCSI DISK | -XX:BiasedLockingSta
Other H/W | rtupDelay=500
| -classpath
| jbb.jar:check.jar
| spec.jbb.JBBmain
| -propfile
| SPECjbb.props -id
| JVM id
| Initial Heap Mem 3072
| (MB)
| Max Heap Mem 3072
| (MB)
| JVM addressing 32
| bits
| JVM CLASSPATH jbb.jar:check.jar
| JVM /export2/benchmarks/
| BOOTCLASSPATH java/jdk1.6.0_14/jre
| /lib/sparc/server:/e
| xport2/benchmarks/ja
| va/jdk1.6.0_14/jre/l
| ib/sparc:/export2/be
| nchmarks/java/jdk1.6
| .0_14/jre/../lib/spa
| rc:/usr/jdk/packages
| /lib/sparc:/lib:/usr
| /lib
| OS Version OpenSolaris 2009.06
| Other S/W
| AOT Compilation Details
| Each JVM was placed in the FX
| priority class with the priocntl
| command.
15 JVMs were run in
| processor sets each containing one
| core.
One JVM was run in the
| default processor set
| parameter expected_peak_warehouse was
| set to 8.
This result was measured
| on the Sun SPARC Enterprise
| T5240.
The Sun SPARC Enterprise
| T5240 and the Fujitsu SPARC
| Enterprise T5240
| electronically equivalent.
Tested by Sun Microsystems,
SPEC License 6
Test Location Burlington, MA.
Test Date Jul 24, 2009
JVM available May-2009
H/w available Jul-2009
OS available Jun-2009
Other s/w
JVM 1 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 4750
2 9784
3 14242
4 17844
5 20733
6 23204
7 24984
* 8 26371
* 9 26279
* 10 26326
* 11 26209
* 12 26221
* 13 26437
* 14 26215
* 15 26796
* 16 26128
Throughput 26331
JVM 2 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 4737
2 9923
3 14303
4 17864
5 20795
6 23284
7 25090
* 8 26438
* 9 26421
* 10 26206
* 11 26330
* 12 26312
* 13 26304
* 14 26280
* 15 26438
* 16 25921
Throughput 26295
JVM 3 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 4773
2 10055
3 14365
4 18023
5 20973
6 23446
7 25336
* 8 26533
* 9 26508
* 10 26300
* 11 26442
* 12 26382
* 13 26617
* 14 26414
* 15 26378
* 16 26144
Throughput 26413
JVM 4 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 4707
2 9920
3 14258
4 17860
5 20760
6 23245
7 25037
* 8 26349
* 9 26346
* 10 26321
* 11 26149
* 12 26139
* 13 26453
* 14 26129
* 15 25777
* 16 26023
Throughput 26187
JVM 5 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 4667
2 9962
3 14376
4 17952
5 21016
6 23384
7 25434
* 8 26456
* 9 26319
* 10 26140
* 11 26312
* 12 26332
* 13 26363
* 14 26285
* 15 26615
* 16 26196
Throughput 26335
JVM 6 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 4732
2 9951
3 14242
4 17848
5 20721
6 23195
7 25072
* 8 26431
* 9 26305
* 10 26097
* 11 26252
* 12 26184
* 13 26410
* 14 26203
* 15 26177
* 16 26124
Throughput 26243
JVM 7 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 4722
2 10154
3 14710
4 18398
5 21309
6 23932
7 25570
* 8 27028
* 9 26865
* 10 26699
* 11 26808
* 12 26872
* 13 26956
* 14 26680
* 15 26758
* 16 26728
Throughput 26822
JVM 8 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 4802
2 9938
3 14277
4 17842
5 20759
6 23230
7 25018
* 8 26335
* 9 26359
* 10 26239
* 11 26189
* 12 26234
* 13 26269
* 14 25960
* 15 26046
* 16 25994
Throughput 26181
JVM 9 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 4749
2 10023
3 14570
4 18243
5 21170
6 23766
7 25582
* 8 26867
* 9 26746
* 10 26579
* 11 26811
* 12 26725
* 13 27159
* 14 26708
* 15 26715
* 16 26448
Throughput 26751
JVM 10 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 4704
2 9884
3 14657
4 18212
5 21210
6 23738
7 25657
* 8 26982
* 9 26800
* 10 26613
* 11 26796
* 12 26779
* 13 26720
* 14 26751
* 15 26645
* 16 26505
Throughput 26733
JVM 11 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 4736
2 10037
3 14616
4 18298
5 21179
6 23803
7 25544
* 8 26940
* 9 26704
* 10 26614
* 11 26762
* 12 26808
* 13 27062
* 14 26578
* 15 27089
* 16 26815
Throughput 26819
JVM 12 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 4748
2 9890
3 14252
4 17822
5 20726
6 23158
7 24973
* 8 26271
* 9 26184
* 10 26242
* 11 26105
* 12 26133
* 13 26227
* 14 25982
* 15 26157
* 16 26282
Throughput 26176
JVM 13 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 4741
2 9925
3 14657
4 18267
5 21218
6 23622
7 25648
* 8 26865
* 9 26882
* 10 26479
* 11 26813
* 12 26722
* 13 26804
* 14 26460
* 15 27289
* 16 26560
Throughput 26764
JVM 14 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 4718
2 9916
3 14280
4 17808
5 20768
6 23262
7 25113
* 8 26447
* 9 26325
* 10 26107
* 11 26265
* 12 26268
* 13 26439
* 14 26056
* 15 26206
* 16 26129
Throughput 26249
JVM 15 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 4785
2 9993
3 14275
4 17878
5 20775
6 23302
7 25079
* 8 26422
* 9 26400
* 10 26131
* 11 26297
* 12 26251
* 13 26274
* 14 26084
* 15 26184
* 16 26101
Throughput 26238
JVM 16 Scores
No errors. Valid run.
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 4741
2 9925
3 14247
4 17874
5 20722
6 23223
7 24988
* 8 26332
* 9 26284
* 10 26278
* 11 26218
* 12 26148
* 13 26226
* 14 25970
* 15 26647
* 16 26099
Throughput 26245
SPECjbb2005 Version: [SPECjbb2005 1.07, March 15, 2006]
Reporting page (C) Copyright SPEC, 2005-2007. All rights reserved