SPECjAppServer2002 Result

HP rp7410 and HP Superdome / BEA WebLogic Server 8.1 on HP-UX 11i
  Metric: 4,158.13 TOPS@MultipleNode
          1,175.16 US$/TOPS@MultipleNode

Submitter: HP, SPEC license # 3, Test date: Jun-2003
EJB Container Avail: May-2003, EJB Container JVM Avail: Mar-2003


                               Benchmark Settings                               
Orders Injection Rate:                      2411
# of Order Agents:                            26
# of Manufacturing Agents:                    26
DB Load Injection Rate:                     2411
Ramp Up Time:                                600   seconds
Ramp Down Time:                              300   seconds
Steady State Time:                          1800   seconds
Trigger Time:                               1687   seconds
Total System Cost:                    US$4,886,443

                                Detailed Results                                
Order Transaction Mix                      Count   Tx. Mix
  New Order                            2,176,457    50.00%
  Change Order                           871,727    20.03%
  Order Status                           869,861    19.98%
  Customer Status                        434,989     9.99%
Total # Order Transactions             4,353,034

Total # Manufacturing Transactions     3,131,598

Response Times                           Average   Maximum     90th%      Reqd
  New Order                                 0.22      4.41      0.50      2.00
  Change Order                              0.11      4.28      0.20      2.00
  Order Status                              0.05      3.33      0.10      2.00
  Customer Status                           0.06      3.27      0.20      2.00
  Manufacturing                             1.70      8.16      2.75      5.00

Reproducibility Run (TOPS)              4,161.66

                             Software Descriptions                              
EJB Container
  Name:              WebLogic Server 8.1 Advantage Edition
  Vendor:            BEA Systems, Inc.
  Available:         May-2003
  Instances:         27
  Passed CTS:        Apr-2003
  Protocol:          RMI/T3
  JVM Name:          Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition build - Java HotSpot(TM) Server - 32-bit
  JVM Vendor:        HP
  JVM Available:     Mar-2003

Tuning Information
  WebLogic options:
  -Dweblogic.management.discover=false -Dweblogic.SocketReaders=1

JVM Tuning Information
  Java options:
  -Xmx2500m -Xms2500m -Xmn768m -Xoptgc -XX:+ForceMmapReserved -XX:PermSize=64m
  -XX:SurvivorRatio=20 -XX:-UseHighResolutionTimer -XX:PrefetchCopyIntervalInBytes=320
  -XX:SchedulerPriorityRange=SCHED_RTPRIO -XX:-StackTraceInThrowable
  JVM virtual memory page size set to 64MB using the HP-UX chatr command
Supplier Domain Container
  Name:              WebLogic Server 8.1 Advantage Edition
  Vendor:            BEA Systems, Inc.
  Available:         May-2003
  JVM Name:          Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition build - Java HotSpot(TM) Server - 32-bit
  JVM Vendor:        HP
  JVM Available:     Mar-2003

Tuning Information
  WebLogic options:
  -Dweblogic.management.discover=false -Dweblogic.SocketReaders=1

JVM Tuning Information
  Java options:
  -Xmx2500m -Xms2500m -Xmn768m -Xoptgc -XX:+ForceMmapReserved -XX:PermSize=64m
  -XX:SurvivorRatio=20 -XX:-UseHighResolutionTimer -XX:PrefetchCopyIntervalInBytes=320
  -XX:SchedulerPriorityRange=SCHED_RTPRIO -XX:-StackTraceInThrowable
  JVM virtual memory page size set to 64MB using the HP-UX chatr command
Emulator Container
  Name:              WebLogic Server 8.1 Advantage Edition
  Vendor:            BEA Systems, Inc.
  Available:         May-2003
  JVM Name:          Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition build - Java HotSpot(TM) Server - 32-bit
  JVM Vendor:        HP
  JVM Available:     Mar-2003

Tuning Information
  WebLogic options : -Dweblogic.management.discover=false

JVM Tuning Information
  Java Options : -Xms512m -Xmx=512m -Xmn=128m -XX:SchedulePriorityRange=SCHED_RTPRIO
  Name:              Oracle9i Database Release 2, Enterprise Edition v9.2.0.3 with Partioning Option
  Vendor:            Oracle Corporation
  Available:         Nov-2002

Tuning Information
  in initspec.ora:
  control_files = /oradata/spec/cntrlspec
  cursor_space_for_time = TRUE
  db_block_buffers = 7000000
  db_file_multiblock_read_count = 128
  db_files = 256
  dml_locks = 6000
  enqueue_resources = 24000
  log_buffer = 102400000
  log_checkpoint_interval = 2147483647
  log_parallelism	= 2
  _log_io_size = 256
  processes = 1250
  open_cursors = 10000
  shared_pool_size = 200000000
  sessions = 1250
  transactions = 1250
  event = "10512 trace name context forever, level 1&quot
  sort_area_size = 67108864
  parallel_max_servers = 100
  hpux_sched_noage = 200
  transactions_per_rollback_segment = 1
  rollback_segments = ( rbs_0 ... rbs_259 )
  Name:              BEA WebLogic 8.1 jDriver for Oracle - Type 2 Driver
  Vendor:            BEA Systems, Inc
  Available:         May-2003

Tuning Information
  Driver name = weblogic.jdbc.oci.Driver
  Statement Cache Size = 300
Other Software

Tuning Information

                             Hardware Descriptions                              
J2EE Application Server (7 systems)
  Hardware Vendor:   HP
  Model Name:        HP rp7410
  Processor:         PA-RISC
  MHz:               875
  # of CPUs:         8 cores, 8 chips, 1 core/chip
  Memory (MB):       32768
  L1 Cache:          0.75MB(I)+1.5MB(D)
  L2 Cache:          
  Other Cache:       
  OS Vendor:         HP
  OS Name:           HP-UX 11i version 1
  Disks:             4 x 73Gb Ultra SCSI
  Network Interface: (2) 1000BaseT Ethernet LAN Adapter
  Other Hardware:    
  # of Systems:      7
  H/W Available:     Feb-2002
  O/S Available:     Dec-2000

Notes / Tuning Information
  Patches applied on the Application Server:
  PHCO_27632, PHCO_27740, PHCO_27958,
  PHKL_25468, PHKL_25993, PHKL_25994, PHKL_25995, PHKL_26468,
  PHKL_27091, PHKL_27094, PHKL_27317, PHKL_27686, PHKL_28267,
  PHNE_27218, PHNE_27703, PHNE_28089
  Gold Base, Applications - Dec 2002
  Hardware Enablement Patches - March 2003
  Feature Enablement Patches - Sep 2002
  HP-UX Processor Sets was installed
  Each WebLogic instance was assigned to a Processor Set composed of two CPU's
  Kernel parameter changes
Database Server (1 system)
  Hardware Vendor:   HP
  Model Name:        HP Superdome
  Processor:         PA-RISC
  MHz:               875
  # of CPUs:         40 cores, 40 chips, 1 core/chip
  Memory (MB):       40960
  L1 Cache:          0.75MB(I)+1.5MB(D)
  L2 Cache:          
  Other Cache:       
  OS Vendor:         HP
  OS Name:           HP-UX 11i version 1
  Disks:             3 x 18Gb Ultra SCSI
  Network Interface: (7) 1000BaseT Ethernet LAN Adapter
  Other Hardware:    (12) 2Gb Single Port Fiber Channel Adapter - (6) VA7410 Disk arrays
  # of Systems:      1
  H/W Available:     Sep-2000
  O/S Available:     Dec-2000

Notes / Tuning Information
  Patches Applied:
  Gold Base, Applications - Dec 2002
  Hardware Enablement Patches - Mar 2003
  Feature Enablement Patches - Sep 2002
  PHSS_26560, PHSS_26946
  Kernel parameters:
Master Load Driver (1 system)
  Hardware Vendor:   HP
  Model Name:        HP rx5670
  Processor:         Intel Itanium 2
  MHz:               1300
  # of CPUs:         4 cores, 4 chips, 1 core/chip
  Memory (MB):       32768
  L1 Cache:          16KB(I)+16KB(D)
  L2 Cache:          256KB
  Other Cache:       3MB
  OS Vendor:         HP
  OS Name:           HP-UX 11i version 2.0
  Disks:             4 x 36GB 15K RPM Ultra160
  Network Interface: (1) 100/1000 BaseT Ethernet LAN Adapter
  Other Hardware:    (1) 10/100/1000 BaseT Ethernet LAN Adapter
  # of Systems:      1
  H/W Available:     Jul-2002
  O/S Available:     Aug-2003

Notes / Tuning Information
  HP Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment,
  Standard Edition build - Java HotSpot(TM) Server - 64-bit
  -d64 -Dorg.omg.CORBA.ORBInitialHost=spec11
  -Djava.naming.provider.url=t3://sut:7001 -Xmx2500m -Xms2500m -Xmn400m -XX:+DisableExplicitGC
  -XX:+ForceMmapReserved -XX:-UseBoundThreads -XX:-NoHandoff -XX:-UseHighResolutionTimer
  For runtime details, see run.properties.master in the FDA
Satellite 1 Load Driver (1 system)
  Hardware Vendor:   HP
  Model Name:        HP rp8400
  Processor:         PA-RISC
  MHz:               750
  # of CPUs:         16 cores, 16 chips, 1 core/chip
  Memory (MB):       65536
  L1 Cache:          0.75MB(I)+1.5MB(D)
  L2 Cache:          
  Other Cache:       
  OS Vendor:         HP
  OS Name:           HP-UX 11i version 1
  Disks:             4 x 36GB 10K RPM Ultra3 SCSI
  Network Interface: (1) 100/1000 BaseT Ethernet LAN Adapter
  Other Hardware:    (1) 10/100 BaseT Ethernet LAN Adapter
  # of Systems:      1
  H/W Available:     Sep-2001
  O/S Available:     Dec-2000

Notes / Tuning Information
  HP Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment,
  Standard Edition build - Java HotSpot(TM) Server - 64-bit
  -d64 -Dorg.omg.CORBA.ORBInitialHost=spec11
  -Djava.naming.provider.url=t3://sut:7001 -Xmx2500m -Xms2500m -Xmn400m -XX:+DisableExplicitGC
  -Xss128k -XX:-UseHighResolutionTimer
  For runtime details, see run.properties.satellite1 in the FDA
Satellite 2, 3 and 4 Load Drivers (3 systems)
  Hardware Vendor:   HP
  Model Name:        HP rx5670
  Processor:         Intel Itanium 2
  MHz:               1000
  # of CPUs:         4 cores, 4 chips, 1 core/chip
  Memory (MB):       32768
  L1 Cache:          16KB(I)+16KB(D)
  L2 Cache:          256KB
  Other Cache:       3MB
  OS Vendor:         HP
  OS Name:           HP-UX 11i version 2.0
  Disks:             4 x 36GB 15K RPM Ultra160
  Network Interface: (1) 100/1000 BaseT Ethernet LAN Adapter
  Other Hardware:    (1) 10/100/1000 BaseT Ethernet LAN Adapter
  # of Systems:      3
  H/W Available:     Jul-2002
  O/S Available:     Aug-2003

Notes / Tuning Information
  HP Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment,
  Standard Edition build - Java HotSpot(TM) Server - 64-bit
  -d64 -Dorg.omg.CORBA.ORBInitialHost=spec11
  -Djava.naming.provider.url=t3://sut:7001 -Xmx2500m -Xms2500m -Xmn400m -XX:+DisableExplicitGC
  -XX:+ForceMmapReserved -XX:-NoHandoff -XX:-UseHighResolutionTimer
  For runtime details, see run.properties.satellite2, 3 and 4 in the FDA

                            Benchmark Modifications                             
Schema Modifications:
  The log sizes were increased
  The M_Workorder table and its index were partitioned to 73 partitions by hash.
  The O_Orders and O_ordl_space tables were partitioned to 53 partitions by hash.
  The field width of pol_balance was changed from numeric(9,2) to (11,2).
  Manual rollback segments were used in place of auto undo.
  Some TABLESPACE sizes were increased to allow apropriate dataset sizes
  for the injection rate.
  Table parameters initrans, pctfree and pctused were increased to support extra concurrency.
  System managed tablespaces was used with local extent management.
  Dictionary Managed Storage was changed to System Managed Storage for all tables.
  Storage specifications were removed from table definitions since SMS is now being used.
  Two indexes were created in the M_largeorder table:
  CREATE UNIQUE INDEX M_lo_idx ON M_largeorder (lo_id)
  CREATE UNIQUE INDEX M_OL_O_idx ON M_largeorder (lo_o_id, lo_ol_id)
  An oc_version column and trigger was added to tables which had an isolation level of
  optimistic concurrency.
  The scripts used to create database are enclosed in the FDA.
Load Program Modifications:
  To make the load program work with or without an optimistic concurrency
  column, the database load programs were changed to load specific columns.
  The modified source code is included in the FDA.
Reference Bean Modifications:
  No modifications were made to the reference beans
                      Benchmark Configuration Information                       
Persistence Mode Used:
  All beans used were CMP
Isolation Requirement Info:
  Bean             SPEC_REQUIREMENT Actual Deployment
  RuleEnt          Read_Committed   RC
  DiscountEnt      Read_Committed   RC
  CustomerEnt      Read_Committed   RC
  AssemblyEnt      Read_Committed   OPTCONC
  BomEnt           Read_Committed   Sel-4-Upd
  ComponentEnt     Read_Committed   RC
  PartEnt          Read_Committed   OPTCONC
  WorkOrderEnt     Repeatable_Read  OPTCONC
  LargeOrderEnt    Read_Committed   RC
  InventoryEnt     Repeatable_Read  Sel-4-Upd
  OrderLineEnt     Repeatable_Read  Sel-4-Upd
  OrderCustomerEnt Read_Committed   RC
  ItemEnt          Read_Committed   RC
  OrderEnt         Repeatable_Read  Sel-4-Upd
  SupplierEnt      Read_Committed   OPTCONC
  SupplierCompEnt  Read_Committed   OPTCONC
  SComponentEnt    Repeatable_Read  Sel-4-Upd
  POEnt            Repeatable_Read  OPTCONC
  POLineEnt        Repeatable_Read  OPTCONC
  Transaction consistency for those beans specifying
  field groups was proven by manual analysis of the source code.
Durability Requirement Info:
  Six battery backed up disk arrays were used to store this data.
  5 x VA7410 with 15 x 36GB disk drives and 1 x VA7410 with 15 x 73GB disk drives were used
  RAID1 was used to back all the database data and log files.
  Detailed description in the FDA/schema/database-logical_volumes file
Storage Requirement Info:
  A 45-minute run made the database size increase by 98.6GB.
  By extrapolation, for an 8-hour run, the database size should increase by 1056GB.
  The total amount of protected disk storage is 1690GB which meets the database
  growth requirements.
Argument Passing Semantics:
  WebLogic 8.1 uses pass-by-value as required by the
  EJB specifications.

                          Other Benchmark Information                           
  This submission used the xerces.jar version 1.4.3 provided within the SPECjAPPServer2002 kit
  Round Robin DNS was used to balance workload over multiple WebLogic instances.
  The DNS server was run on one of the application server nodes.

                                 General Notes                                  

For questions about this result, please contact the submitter: HP
For other inquiries, please contact SPEC

Benchmark run on Tue Jun 24 00:36:39 PDT 2003 by SPECjAppServer2002 v1.14
Result submitted on Wed Oct 29 03:03:01 EST 2003
Report generated by SPECjAppServer2002 Reporter v1.01

Copyright (C) 2002 Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation