SPEC(R) CFP2006 Summary ASUSTeK Computer Inc. ASUSTek M4A89GTD PRO/USB3 (Phenom II X4 975) Test Sponsor: Intel Corporation Fri Dec 11 19:09:36 2009 CPU2006 License: 13 Test date: Dec-2009 Test sponsor: Intel Corporation Hardware availability: Feb-2011 Tested by: Intel Corporation Software availability: Apr-2011 Base Base Base Peak Peak Peak Benchmarks Copies Run Time Rate Copies Run Time Rate -------------- ------ --------- --------- ------ --------- --------- 410.bwaves 4 847 64.0 S 4 847 64.0 S 410.bwaves 4 843 64.4 * 4 843 64.4 * 410.bwaves 4 842 64.4 S 4 842 64.4 S 416.gamess 4 789 99.2 S 4 789 99.2 S 416.gamess 4 788 99.6 S 4 788 99.6 S 416.gamess 4 788 99.2 * 4 788 99.2 * 433.milc 4 587 62.4 S 4 587 62.4 S 433.milc 4 586 62.8 S 4 586 62.8 S 433.milc 4 586 62.8 * 4 586 62.8 * 434.zeusmp 4 483 75.2 S 4 483 75.2 S 434.zeusmp 4 480 76.0 S 4 480 76.0 S 434.zeusmp 4 482 75.6 * 4 482 75.6 * 435.gromacs 4 361 79.2 * 4 363 78.8 S 435.gromacs 4 361 79.2 S 4 363 78.8 S 435.gromacs 4 361 79.2 S 4 363 78.8 * 436.cactusADM 4 655 72.8 * 4 655 72.8 * 436.cactusADM 4 655 73.2 S 4 655 73.2 S 436.cactusADM 4 656 72.8 S 4 656 72.8 S 437.leslie3d 4 1006 37.2 S 4 1006 37.2 S 437.leslie3d 4 1000 37.6 S 4 1000 37.6 S 437.leslie3d 4 1004 37.6 * 4 1004 37.6 * 444.namd 4 425 75.6 * 4 420 76.4 S 444.namd 4 425 75.6 S 4 420 76.4 S 444.namd 4 425 75.6 S 4 420 76.4 * 447.dealII 4 527 86.8 S 4 543 84.4 S 447.dealII 4 570 80.4 S 4 537 85.2 * 447.dealII 4 532 86.0 * 4 528 86.8 S 450.soplex 4 818 40.8 S 4 806 41.2 S 450.soplex 4 818 40.8 * 4 806 41.2 * 450.soplex 4 819 40.8 S 4 806 41.2 S 453.povray 4 198 107 * 4 169 126 S 453.povray 4 198 107 S 4 169 126 S 453.povray 4 198 107 S 4 169 126 * 454.calculix 4 311 106 * 4 311 106 S 454.calculix 4 310 106 S 4 311 106 * 454.calculix 4 311 106 S 4 312 106 S 459.GemsFDTD 4 1321 32.0 S 4 1321 32.0 S 459.GemsFDTD 4 1321 32.0 S 4 1321 32.0 S 459.GemsFDTD 4 1321 32.0 * 4 1321 32.0 * 465.tonto 4 465 84.8 * 4 456 86.4 S 465.tonto 4 466 84.4 S 4 454 86.8 * 465.tonto 4 464 84.8 S 4 454 86.8 S 470.lbm 4 791 69.6 S 4 791 69.6 S 470.lbm 4 792 69.6 * 4 792 69.6 * 470.lbm 4 793 69.2 S 4 793 69.2 S 481.wrf 4 625 71.6 S 4 625 71.6 S 481.wrf 4 623 71.6 S 4 623 71.6 S 481.wrf 4 624 71.6 * 4 624 71.6 * 482.sphinx3 4 1262 61.6 S 4 1267 61.6 S 482.sphinx3 4 1262 61.6 * 4 1265 61.6 S 482.sphinx3 4 1264 61.6 S 4 1267 61.6 * ============================================================================== 410.bwaves 4 843 64.4 * 4 843 64.4 * 416.gamess 4 788 99.2 * 4 788 99.2 * 433.milc 4 586 62.8 * 4 586 62.8 * 434.zeusmp 4 482 75.6 * 4 482 75.6 * 435.gromacs 4 361 79.2 * 4 363 78.8 * 436.cactusADM 4 655 72.8 * 4 655 72.8 * 437.leslie3d 4 1004 37.6 * 4 1004 37.6 * 444.namd 4 425 75.6 * 4 420 76.4 * 447.dealII 4 532 86.0 * 4 537 85.2 * 450.soplex 4 818 40.8 * 4 806 41.2 * 453.povray 4 198 107 * 4 169 126 * 454.calculix 4 311 106 * 4 311 106 * 459.GemsFDTD 4 1321 32.0 * 4 1321 32.0 * 465.tonto 4 465 84.8 * 4 454 86.8 * 470.lbm 4 792 69.6 * 4 792 69.6 * 481.wrf 4 624 71.6 * 4 624 71.6 * 482.sphinx3 4 1262 61.6 * 4 1267 61.6 * SPECfp(R)_rate_base2006 68.6 SPECfp_rate2006 69.4 HARDWARE -------- CPU Name: AMD Phenom II X4 975 CPU Characteristics: CPU MHz: 3600 FPU: Integrated CPU(s) enabled: 4 cores, 1 chip, 4 cores/chip CPU(s) orderable: 1 chip Primary Cache: 64 KB I + 64 KB D on chip per core Secondary Cache: 512 KB I+D on chip per core L3 Cache: 6 MB I+D on chip per chip Other Cache: None Memory: 4 GB (2 x 2 GB 2Rx4 PC3-10600U-9) Disk Subsystem: 1 TB Seagate SATA, 7200 RPM Other Hardware: None SOFTWARE -------- Operating System: Windows 7 Ultimate (64-bit) Compiler: Intel C++ Compiler XE for Intel 64 Version Build 20110309 Intel Visual Fortran Compiler XE for Intel 64 Version Build 20110309 Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional SP1 (for libraries) Auto Parallel: No File System: NTFS System State: Default Base Pointers: 32/64-bit Peak Pointers: 32/64-bit Other Software: SmartHeap Library Version 9.01 from http://www.microquill.com/ Submit Notes ------------ The config file option 'submit' was used. The start command with the /affinity switch was used to bind processes to cores General Notes ------------- Tested systems can be used with Shin-G ATX case, PC Power and Cooling 1200W power supply Base Compiler Invocation ------------------------ C benchmarks: icl -Qvc9 -Qstd=c99 C++ benchmarks: icl -Qvc9 Fortran benchmarks: ifort Benchmarks using both Fortran and C: icl -Qvc9 -Qstd=c99 ifort Base Portability Flags ---------------------- 410.bwaves: -DSPEC_CPU_P64 -names:lowercase 416.gamess: -DSPEC_CPU_P64 433.milc: -DSPEC_CPU_P64 434.zeusmp: -DSPEC_CPU_P64 435.gromacs: -DSPEC_CPU_P64 436.cactusADM: -DSPEC_CPU_P64 -names:lowercase /assume:underscore 437.leslie3d: -DSPEC_CPU_P64 444.namd: -DSPEC_CPU_P64 /TP 447.dealII: -DSPEC_CPU_P64 -DDEAL_II_MEMBER_VAR_SPECIALIZATION_BUG 450.soplex: -DSPEC_CPU_P64 453.povray: -DSPEC_CPU_P64 -DSPEC_CPU_WINDOWS_ICL 454.calculix: -DSPEC_CPU_P64 -DSPEC_CPU_NOZMODIFIER -names:lowercase 459.GemsFDTD: -DSPEC_CPU_P64 465.tonto: -DSPEC_CPU_P64 470.lbm: -DSPEC_CPU_P64 481.wrf: -DSPEC_CPU_P64 -DSPEC_CPU_WINDOWS_ICL 482.sphinx3: -DSPEC_CPU_P64 Base Optimization Flags ----------------------- C benchmarks: /arch:SSE3 -Qipo -O3 -Qprec-div- -Qansi-alias -Qauto-ilp32 /F1000000000 -link /FORCE:MULTIPLE C++ benchmarks: /arch:SSE3 -Qipo -O3 -Qprec-div- -Qansi-alias -Qcxx-features -Qauto-ilp32 /F1000000000 shlW64M.lib -link /FORCE:MULTIPLE Fortran benchmarks: /arch:SSE3 -Qipo -O3 -Qprec-div- -Qansi-alias /F1000000000 -link /FORCE:MULTIPLE Benchmarks using both Fortran and C: /arch:SSE3 -Qipo -O3 -Qprec-div- -Qansi-alias -Qauto-ilp32 /F1000000000 -link /FORCE:MULTIPLE Peak Compiler Invocation ------------------------ C benchmarks: icl -Qvc9 -Qstd=c99 C++ benchmarks: icl -Qvc9 Fortran benchmarks: ifort Benchmarks using both Fortran and C: icl -Qvc9 -Qstd=c99 ifort Peak Portability Flags ---------------------- Same as Base Portability Flags Peak Optimization Flags ----------------------- C benchmarks: 433.milc: basepeak = yes 470.lbm: basepeak = yes 482.sphinx3: /arch:SSE3 -Qipo -O3 -Qprec-div- -Qunroll2 -Qansi-alias -Qauto-ilp32 /F1000000000 -link /FORCE:MULTIPLE C++ benchmarks: 444.namd: /arch:SSE3(pass 2) -Qprof_gen(pass 1) -Qprof_use(pass 2) -Qipo -O3 -Qprec-div- -Oa -Qauto-ilp32 /F1000000000 shlW64M.lib -link /FORCE:MULTIPLE 447.dealII: /arch:SSE3(pass 2) -Qprof_gen(pass 1) -Qprof_use(pass 2) -Qipo -O3 -Qprec-div- -Qunroll2 -Qansi-alias -Qscalar-rep- -Qauto-ilp32 /F1000000000 shlW64M.lib -link /FORCE:MULTIPLE 450.soplex: /arch:SSE3(pass 2) -Qprof_gen(pass 1) -Qprof_use(pass 2) -Qipo -O3 -Qauto-ilp32 /F1000000000 shlW64M.lib -link /FORCE:MULTIPLE 453.povray: /arch:SSE3(pass 2) -Qprof_gen(pass 1) -Qprof_use(pass 2) -Qipo -O3 -Qprec-div- -Qopt-prefetch -Qauto-ilp32 /F1000000000 shlW64M.lib -link /FORCE:MULTIPLE Fortran benchmarks: 410.bwaves: basepeak = yes 416.gamess: basepeak = yes 434.zeusmp: basepeak = yes 437.leslie3d: basepeak = yes 459.GemsFDTD: basepeak = yes 465.tonto: /arch:SSE3(pass 2) -Qprof_gen(pass 1) -Qprof_use(pass 2) -Qipo -O3 -Qprec-div- -Qunroll4 -Qauto /F1000000000 -link /FORCE:MULTIPLE Benchmarks using both Fortran and C: 435.gromacs: /arch:SSE3(pass 2) -Qprof_gen(pass 1) -Qprof_use(pass 2) -Qipo -O3 -Qprec-div- -Qopt-prefetch -Qauto-ilp32 /F1000000000 -link /FORCE:MULTIPLE 436.cactusADM: basepeak = yes 454.calculix: /arch:SSE3 -Qipo -O3 -Qprec-div- -Qauto-ilp32 /F1000000000 -link /FORCE:MULTIPLE 481.wrf: basepeak = yes The flags files that were used to format this result can be browsed at http://www.spec.org/cpu2006/flags/Intel-ic12-winx64-revC.html http://www.spec.org/cpu2006/flags/Intel-Windows-Platform-Settings.20110719.html You can also download the XML flags sources by saving the following links: http://www.spec.org/cpu2006/flags/Intel-ic12-winx64-revC.xml http://www.spec.org/cpu2006/flags/Intel-Windows-Platform-Settings.20110719.xml SPEC and SPECfp are registered trademarks of the Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation. All other brand and product names appearing in this result are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- For questions about this result, please contact the tester. For other inquiries, please contact webmaster@spec.org. Copyright 2006-2014 Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation Tested with SPEC CPU2006 v1.1. Report generated on Wed Jul 23 22:28:51 2014 by CPU2006 ASCII formatter v6932. Originally published on 20 September 2011.