SPEC(R) CFP2006 Summary Intel Corporation Intel DP55KG Motherboard (Intel Core i7-870) Sun Jul 3 02:07:14 2011 CPU2006 License: 13 Test date: Jul-2011 Test sponsor: Intel Corporation Hardware availability: Mar-2011 Tested by: Intel Corporation Software availability: Apr-2011 Base Base Base Peak Peak Peak Benchmarks Copies Run Time Rate Copies Run Time Rate -------------- ------ --------- --------- ------ --------- --------- 410.bwaves 8 1425 76.0 S 8 1425 76.0 S 410.bwaves 8 1410 76.8 S 8 1410 76.8 S 410.bwaves 8 1411 76.8 * 8 1411 76.8 * 416.gamess 8 1436 109 S 8 1436 109 S 416.gamess 8 1432 110 * 8 1432 110 * 416.gamess 8 1431 110 S 8 1431 110 S 433.milc 8 884 83.2 * 8 884 83.2 * 433.milc 8 884 83.2 S 8 884 83.2 S 433.milc 8 884 83.2 S 8 884 83.2 S 434.zeusmp 8 654 111 S 8 654 111 S 434.zeusmp 8 654 111 * 8 654 111 * 434.zeusmp 8 656 111 S 8 656 111 S 435.gromacs 8 566 101 S 8 573 100 S 435.gromacs 8 568 101 * 8 572 100 * 435.gromacs 8 568 101 S 8 570 100 S 436.cactusADM 8 862 111 * 8 862 111 * 436.cactusADM 8 862 111 S 8 862 111 S 436.cactusADM 8 861 111 S 8 861 111 S 437.leslie3d 8 1420 52.8 S 8 1420 52.8 S 437.leslie3d 8 1414 52.8 S 8 1414 52.8 S 437.leslie3d 8 1416 52.8 * 8 1416 52.8 * 444.namd 8 679 94.4 S 8 661 96.8 * 444.namd 8 679 94.4 * 8 661 96.8 S 444.namd 8 690 92.8 S 8 661 96.8 S 447.dealII 8 859 106 S 8 803 114 S 447.dealII 8 826 110 S 8 788 116 * 447.dealII 8 846 108 * 8 783 117 S 450.soplex 8 1147 58.4 S 4 536 62.0 S 450.soplex 8 1148 58.4 * 4 536 62.4 * 450.soplex 8 1150 57.6 S 4 536 62.4 S 453.povray 8 307 138 S 8 267 159 S 453.povray 8 306 139 S 8 266 160 * 453.povray 8 306 139 * 8 266 160 S 454.calculix 8 551 120 S 8 554 119 * 454.calculix 8 554 119 S 8 554 119 S 454.calculix 8 553 119 * 8 554 119 S 459.GemsFDTD 8 1652 51.2 S 8 1652 51.2 S 459.GemsFDTD 8 1654 51.2 S 8 1654 51.2 S 459.GemsFDTD 8 1653 51.2 * 8 1653 51.2 * 465.tonto 8 769 102 * 8 762 103 S 465.tonto 8 771 102 S 8 759 104 * 465.tonto 8 768 102 S 8 758 104 S 470.lbm 8 1002 110 S 8 1002 110 S 470.lbm 8 1002 110 * 8 1002 110 * 470.lbm 8 1002 110 S 8 1002 110 S 481.wrf 8 937 95.2 S 8 937 95.2 S 481.wrf 8 935 96.0 S 8 935 96.0 S 481.wrf 8 936 95.2 * 8 936 95.2 * 482.sphinx3 8 1755 88.8 * 8 1758 88.8 S 482.sphinx3 8 1754 88.8 S 8 1757 88.8 * 482.sphinx3 8 1756 88.8 S 8 1756 88.8 S ============================================================================== 410.bwaves 8 1411 76.8 * 8 1411 76.8 * 416.gamess 8 1432 110 * 8 1432 110 * 433.milc 8 884 83.2 * 8 884 83.2 * 434.zeusmp 8 654 111 * 8 654 111 * 435.gromacs 8 568 101 * 8 572 100 * 436.cactusADM 8 862 111 * 8 862 111 * 437.leslie3d 8 1416 52.8 * 8 1416 52.8 * 444.namd 8 679 94.4 * 8 661 96.8 * 447.dealII 8 846 108 * 8 788 116 * 450.soplex 8 1148 58.4 * 4 536 62.4 * 453.povray 8 306 139 * 8 266 160 * 454.calculix 8 553 119 * 8 554 119 * 459.GemsFDTD 8 1653 51.2 * 8 1653 51.2 * 465.tonto 8 769 102 * 8 759 104 * 470.lbm 8 1002 110 * 8 1002 110 * 481.wrf 8 936 95.2 * 8 936 95.2 * 482.sphinx3 8 1755 88.8 * 8 1757 88.8 * SPECfp(R)_rate_base2006 91.5 SPECfp_rate2006 93.2 HARDWARE -------- CPU Name: Intel Core i7-870 CPU Characteristics: Intel Turbo Boost Technology up to 3.60 GHz CPU MHz: 2933 FPU: Integrated CPU(s) enabled: 4 cores, 1 chip, 4 cores/chip, 2 threads/core CPU(s) orderable: 1 chip Primary Cache: 32 KB I + 32 KB D on chip per core Secondary Cache: 256 KB I+D on chip per core L3 Cache: 8 MB I+D on chip per chip Other Cache: None Memory: 8 GB (2 x 4 GB 2Rx8 PC3-10600U-9) Disk Subsystem: Seagate 1 TB SATA, 7200 RPM Other Hardware: None SOFTWARE -------- Operating System: Windows 7 Ultimate (64-bit) Compiler: Intel C++ Compiler XE for Intel 64 Version Build 20110309 Intel Visual Fortran Compiler XE for Intel 64 Version Build 20110309 Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional SP1 (for libraries) Auto Parallel: No File System: NTFS System State: Default Base Pointers: 32/64-bit Peak Pointers: 32/64-bit Other Software: SmartHeap Library Version 9.01 from http://www.microquill.com/ Submit Notes ------------ The config file option 'submit' was used. The start command with the /affinity switch was used to bind processes to cores General Notes ------------- Tested systems can be used with Shin-G ATX case, PC Power and Cooling 1200W power supply System was configured with an ATI HD5770 discrete graphics card Base Compiler Invocation ------------------------ C benchmarks: icl -Qvc9 -Qstd=c99 C++ benchmarks: icl -Qvc9 Fortran benchmarks: ifort Benchmarks using both Fortran and C: icl -Qvc9 -Qstd=c99 ifort Base Portability Flags ---------------------- 410.bwaves: -DSPEC_CPU_P64 -names:lowercase 416.gamess: -DSPEC_CPU_P64 433.milc: -DSPEC_CPU_P64 434.zeusmp: -DSPEC_CPU_P64 435.gromacs: -DSPEC_CPU_P64 436.cactusADM: -DSPEC_CPU_P64 -names:lowercase /assume:underscore 437.leslie3d: -DSPEC_CPU_P64 444.namd: -DSPEC_CPU_P64 /TP 447.dealII: -DSPEC_CPU_P64 -DDEAL_II_MEMBER_VAR_SPECIALIZATION_BUG 450.soplex: -DSPEC_CPU_P64 453.povray: -DSPEC_CPU_P64 -DSPEC_CPU_WINDOWS_ICL 454.calculix: -DSPEC_CPU_P64 -DSPEC_CPU_NOZMODIFIER -names:lowercase 459.GemsFDTD: -DSPEC_CPU_P64 465.tonto: -DSPEC_CPU_P64 470.lbm: -DSPEC_CPU_P64 481.wrf: -DSPEC_CPU_P64 -DSPEC_CPU_WINDOWS_ICL 482.sphinx3: -DSPEC_CPU_P64 Base Optimization Flags ----------------------- C benchmarks: -QxSSE4.2 -Qipo -O3 -Qprec-div- -Qansi-alias -Qauto-ilp32 /F1000000000 -link /FORCE:MULTIPLE C++ benchmarks: -QxSSE4.2 -Qipo -O3 -Qprec-div- -Qansi-alias -Qcxx-features -Qauto-ilp32 /F1000000000 shlW64M.lib -link /FORCE:MULTIPLE Fortran benchmarks: -QxSSE4.2 -Qipo -O3 -Qprec-div- -Qansi-alias /F1000000000 -link /FORCE:MULTIPLE Benchmarks using both Fortran and C: -QxSSE4.2 -Qipo -O3 -Qprec-div- -Qansi-alias -Qauto-ilp32 /F1000000000 -link /FORCE:MULTIPLE Peak Compiler Invocation ------------------------ C benchmarks: icl -Qvc9 -Qstd=c99 C++ benchmarks: icl -Qvc9 Fortran benchmarks: ifort Benchmarks using both Fortran and C: icl -Qvc9 -Qstd=c99 ifort Peak Portability Flags ---------------------- Same as Base Portability Flags Peak Optimization Flags ----------------------- C benchmarks: 433.milc: basepeak = yes 470.lbm: basepeak = yes 482.sphinx3: -QxSSE4.2 -Qipo -O3 -Qprec-div- -Qunroll2 -Qansi-alias -Qauto-ilp32 /F1000000000 -link /FORCE:MULTIPLE C++ benchmarks: 444.namd: -QxSSE4.2(pass 2) -Qprof_gen(pass 1) -Qprof_use(pass 2) -Qipo -O3 -Qprec-div- -Oa -Qauto-ilp32 /F1000000000 shlW64M.lib -link /FORCE:MULTIPLE 447.dealII: -QxSSE4.2(pass 2) -Qprof_gen(pass 1) -Qprof_use(pass 2) -Qipo -O3 -Qprec-div- -Qunroll2 -Qansi-alias -Qscalar-rep- -Qauto-ilp32 /F1000000000 shlW64M.lib -link /FORCE:MULTIPLE 450.soplex: -QxSSE4.2(pass 2) -Qprof_gen(pass 1) -Qprof_use(pass 2) -Qipo -O3 -Qauto-ilp32 /F1000000000 shlW64M.lib -link /FORCE:MULTIPLE 453.povray: -QxSSE4.2(pass 2) -Qprof_gen(pass 1) -Qprof_use(pass 2) -Qipo -O3 -Qprec-div- -Qopt-prefetch -Qauto-ilp32 /F1000000000 shlW64M.lib -link /FORCE:MULTIPLE Fortran benchmarks: 410.bwaves: basepeak = yes 416.gamess: basepeak = yes 434.zeusmp: basepeak = yes 437.leslie3d: basepeak = yes 459.GemsFDTD: basepeak = yes 465.tonto: -QxSSE4.2(pass 2) -Qprof_gen(pass 1) -Qprof_use(pass 2) -Qipo -O3 -Qprec-div- -Qunroll4 -Qauto /F1000000000 -link /FORCE:MULTIPLE Benchmarks using both Fortran and C: 435.gromacs: -QxSSE4.2(pass 2) -Qprof_gen(pass 1) -Qprof_use(pass 2) -Qipo -O3 -Qprec-div- -Qopt-prefetch -Qauto-ilp32 /F1000000000 -link /FORCE:MULTIPLE 436.cactusADM: basepeak = yes 454.calculix: -QxSSE4.2 -Qipo -O3 -Qprec-div- -Qauto-ilp32 /F1000000000 -link /FORCE:MULTIPLE 481.wrf: basepeak = yes The flags file that was used to format this result can be browsed at http://www.spec.org/cpu2006/flags/Intel-ic12-winx64-revB.20110808.html You can also download the XML flags source by saving the following link: http://www.spec.org/cpu2006/flags/Intel-ic12-winx64-revB.20110808.xml SPEC and SPECfp are registered trademarks of the Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation. All other brand and product names appearing in this result are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- For questions about this result, please contact the tester. For other inquiries, please contact webmaster@spec.org. Copyright 2006-2014 Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation Tested with SPEC CPU2006 v1.1. Report generated on Thu Jul 24 00:03:33 2014 by CPU2006 ASCII formatter v6932. Originally published on 2 August 2011.